Yiyun Li grew up in Beijing, China and moved to the United States in 1996. She received an MFA from Iowa Writers' Workshop and an MFA in creative nonfiction writing from the University of Iowa. Her stories and essays have been published in The New Yorker, The Paris Review,and elsewhere. She has received a Whiting Writers' Award and was awarded a Lannan Foundation residency in Marfa, TX. Her debut collection, A Thousand Years of Good Prayers, won the Frank O’Connor International Short Story Award, PEN/Hemingway Award, Guardian First Book Award, and California Book Award for first fiction. She was recently selected as one of Granta's 21 Best of Young American Novelists. She lives in Oakland, California with her husband and their two sons, and teaches at University of California, Davis.
Brilliant and original, A Thousand Years of Good Prayers introduces a remarkable new writer whose breathtaking stories are set in China and among Chinese Americans in the United States. In this rich, astonishing collection, Yiyun Li illuminates how mythology, politics, history, and culture intersect with personality to create fate. From the bustling heart of Beijing, to a fast-food restaurant in Chicago, to the barren expanse of Inner Mongolia, A Thousand Years of Good Prayers reveals worlds both foreign and familiar, with heartbreaking honesty and in beautiful prose.
"Immortality," winner of The Paris Review's Plimpton Prize for new writers, tells the story of a young man who bears a striking resemblance to a dictator and so finds a calling to immortality. In "The Princess of Nebraska," a man and a woman who were both in love with a young actor in China meet again in America and try to reconcile the lost love with their new lives. "After a Life" illuminates the vagaries of marriage, parenthood, and gender, unfolding the story of a couple who keep a daughter hidden from the world. And in "A Thousand Years of Good Prayers," in which a man visits America for the first time to see his recently divorced daughter, only to discover that all is not as it seems, Li boldly explores the effects of communism on language, faith, and an entire people, underlining transformation in its many meanings and incarnations.
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(標題是解釋《韆年敬祈a thousand years of good prayers》的含義。與正文內容無關。起標題神馬的最討厭瞭。) 閱讀李翊雲的這本處女作,最親切之處永遠是那些譯用瞭中國成語諺語歌謠的地方:如鯁在喉、如履薄冰、買櫝還珠的故事、“人要臉樹要皮”、“一二三四五,上山打老虎...
評分A Thousand Years of Good Prayers : Stories win new book award 2006 in UK;Dec.5 2006 in UK
評分There is a perception that the intension of some Asian-American writers' writing is to satisfy the western readers' curiosity towards China. Therefore, the common theme of this kind of works is to show the "dark" said of China, for example, the untolerant p...
評分(標題是解釋《韆年敬祈a thousand years of good prayers》的含義。與正文內容無關。起標題神馬的最討厭瞭。) 閱讀李翊雲的這本處女作,最親切之處永遠是那些譯用瞭中國成語諺語歌謠的地方:如鯁在喉、如履薄冰、買櫝還珠的故事、“人要臉樹要皮”、“一二三四五,上山打老虎...
評分(標題是解釋《韆年敬祈a thousand years of good prayers》的含義。與正文內容無關。起標題神馬的最討厭瞭。) 閱讀李翊雲的這本處女作,最親切之處永遠是那些譯用瞭中國成語諺語歌謠的地方:如鯁在喉、如履薄冰、買櫝還珠的故事、“人要臉樹要皮”、“一二三四五,上山打老虎...
圖書標籤: 李翊雲 英文 美國華人 YiyunLi 美國 短篇小說 有趣話題 小說
評分3.5-4星之間吧。第一次打這麼模糊的分數主要是因為這個集子處理中國曆史上政治議題的方式(自乾五們絕對不要看這本書)。如同豆瓣上一篇評論所講,寫不寫政治不是關鍵,關鍵在於在一篇小說裏的組成是否自然恰當,是不是一個有機的部分,推動人物情節自然地發展。從整體來看,我覺得反而是那些直接涉及政治題材較少的小說更微妙,比如“After a Life""The Princess of Nebraska",普通人在時代背景裏的無力感更動人;相反像"Persimmons"這篇,雖然巧妙地用瞭“捏軟柿子”這樣的俗語發揮,太過直接地抨擊社會不公蒼天無眼顯得很生硬幼稚。我覺得這種極具政治隱喻的篇目中寫得比較好地算是"Immotality"這一篇,膽子夠大,讀起來既覺得怪又覺得妙,還給以人一種越軌的刺激感!
評分3.5-4星之間吧。第一次打這麼模糊的分數主要是因為這個集子處理中國曆史上政治議題的方式(自乾五們絕對不要看這本書)。如同豆瓣上一篇評論所講,寫不寫政治不是關鍵,關鍵在於在一篇小說裏的組成是否自然恰當,是不是一個有機的部分,推動人物情節自然地發展。從整體來看,我覺得反而是那些直接涉及政治題材較少的小說更微妙,比如“After a Life""The Princess of Nebraska",普通人在時代背景裏的無力感更動人;相反像"Persimmons"這篇,雖然巧妙地用瞭“捏軟柿子”這樣的俗語發揮,太過直接地抨擊社會不公蒼天無眼顯得很生硬幼稚。我覺得這種極具政治隱喻的篇目中寫得比較好地算是"Immotality"這一篇,膽子夠大,讀起來既覺得怪又覺得妙,還給以人一種越軌的刺激感!
評分Love Yiyun's language, it flows like water. Her stories are sometimes placid and bit too serene, but the feelings are real and tender. I shiver at some of the images in her collection. Favorite story so far: Love in the Market Place
評分"a foreign country gives one foreign thoughts"; meanwhile, a foreign language helps one to express what s/he fails to say in the language s/he was brought up with.
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