`This translation will quickly establish itself as _the_ transation for English speaking readers and students of this great Augustan epic.' Dr A.H.F. Griffin, University of Exeter<br/><br/>'a work of the highest quality which provides pleasure and information in generous measure.' --JACT Review
"Notes are very helpful indeed."--L. Cahoon, Gettysburg College
"Of the English translations now available, Melville's new version is the only that reproduces the grace, speed, and nervous tension of Ovid's original. It is a rare achievement."--Richard P. Martin, Princeton University
"An excellent translation, elegant and accurate."--Simone Turbeville, University of Texas, Arlington
"Melville has chosen blank verse, pleasantly varied by rhymed couplets to round off each sequence. His narrative is taut...his vocabulary vivid and flexible, his speeches pungent or powerful, and his command of wit a delight."--Classical Review
"If Ovid wanted to read himself in English, he should certainly be happy with Melville's translation, which eloquently captures a great deal of his urbanity, wit, and sentiment in an expressive blank verse that is itself a bit of a wonder."--Thomas Clayton, Chairman, University of Minnesota
"The translation is readable and tells the tales with charm, and the notes are truly excellent."--Carol R. Hershenson, Xavier University
"Excellent poetic rendition, at reasonable price. Thank you. I shall order a whole library of Oxford World's Classics."--Dr. Barbara Huval, Lamar University
"Reads compellingly--as Ovid should. Students enjoy [this work] greatly."--Ann Lauinger, Sarah Lawrence College
"I like this translation very much. I used it this semester and will continue to use it."--Gregory M. Malion, University of New Hampshire
"I shall regularly adopt this edition to use in my mythology class. It is the best paperback edition around: readable translations, episodes have titles, glossary and original line numbers on top of page."--Cliff Brockman, St. John Fisher College
--This text refers to the Paperback edition.
Ovid's Metamorphoses, completed around AD8, shows the presence and prevalence of change in the world. Beginning with chaos and creation, Ovid embraces a vast array of mythological tales within his theme of transformation. Phaeton, Narcissus, Pyramus and Thisbe, Daedalus and Icarus are only a few of the most famous. Passing through these to the serio-comic retellings of the Trojan War, the travels of Aeneas, and the events of Roman history down to Ovid's own times, his readers find infinite variety in a work that is, by turns, funny, pathetic and violent - always unpredictable and always engrossing. John Dryden's translations are featured in this collaborative Metamorphoses, first issued in 1717, to which eighteen translators contributed under the editorship of Sir Samuel Garth. Composed in a poetic idiom well suited to the satiric and mock-heroic aspects of this work, this is the only translation that can match Ovid's wit and stylistic sophistication.
Text: English, Latin (translation) --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
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行至幽暗的地府邊緣,人界的微光已於眼前可觸,但他的身後是那樣悄寂,俄耳甫斯忍不住迴頭,看看妻子是否跟在身後。於是——誓言被打破,歐律狄刻發齣小鳥一樣的悲鳴,墜入黑暗的淵底。 這一迴頭成就瞭一齣永恒的愛情悲劇,本不該遭受的命運降臨瞭,人們哀嘆並自警。文字於此...
評分 評分寒假前在圖書館裏發現一本樸素的小冊子——奧維德的《變形記》(人民文學齣版社,1984年)。盡管譯本序言的評論中還存留著階級分析的筆調,盡管這個譯本隻是選譯,並不算是完整版,然而翻開泛黃的書頁,一段段神話小故事依然令人感到趣味昂然,不忍釋捲。 《變形...
評分寒假前在圖書館裏發現一本樸素的小冊子——奧維德的《變形記》(人民文學齣版社,1984年)。盡管譯本序言的評論中還存留著階級分析的筆調,盡管這個譯本隻是選譯,並不算是完整版,然而翻開泛黃的書頁,一段段神話小故事依然令人感到趣味昂然,不忍釋捲。 《變形...
評分因為愛,變形成為一種欲望而不是徹頭徹尾的恐懼。 愛的羽翼輕靈飄逸,僵直的肢體怎能趕上那以太般的舞步?愛的激流洶湧湍急,肉身的器皿怎能滿足那海洋般的吞吐? 世間萬物,韆姿百態,對於愛的疾病,總有一些選擇可以對癥。不要眷戀這人類的肉身,兩情若...
圖書標籤: Classics 神話 羅馬 肖像學文本 奧維德 外國文學 古羅馬 rome
評分Know thyself!
評分Know thyself!
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