Immortality 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书
评分梗概: 第一章 面相 我 教授 看到一个女人的一个手势,想到要创造阿涅斯,手势超越年龄 我 听收音机,主持人在讲话,海明威的传记 阿涅斯起床,裸体,出场 论:手势与个性 阿涅斯行动,被困电梯,一天的日程,特殊在今天是父亲去世五周年纪念日,想起父亲在母亲死后撕毁照片...
评分前夜,辗转不眠,想艾格尼丝。 是什么使艾格尼丝最终厌弃人类,逃离人类,想独处大自然呢? 想起荣格谈到尼采时说:人的本能和天性怎么可能驱使他断绝与人类的联系,进入到绝对的孤独之中,进入到靠憎恶来支撑的避世和对人群的远离之中? 在昆德拉《告别圆舞曲》中,雅各布莫名...
评分一直不想谈这本书的原因是它美得让我不愿言说。 今天想从阿涅丝死亡的现象学角度来小小说一下。 在谈这本书之前,我想提起爱伦坡的长诗<沉睡者>。 死亡与久长深远的沉睡究竟有怎样的不同? 爱伦坡在诗中将死亡的意象与沉睡联系了起来。“My love, she sleeps! Oh, may her slee...
评分什么是不朽?什么样的人可以不朽? 米兰昆德拉说,小的不朽是指一个人在认识他的人的心中留下了回忆;大的不朽是指一个人在不认识的人的心中留下了回忆。有些工作可以一下子使人得到大的不朽,那就是艺术家和政治家。 我说,毫无疑问,米兰昆德拉这个老头是绝顶艺术家,他和...
图书标签: MilanKundera Kundera 英文原版 英文小说 捷克 人性 英文原文书 小说
Why oh why did I not keep this book
评分读了很多遍. 英文翻译的不错, 原文应该是捷克文的.那是老米没有用法文写吧. 老米是我的心灵导师. 他说话真到位, 高, 实在是高.
评分finished reading [immortality]...awesome novel by Milan Kundera..it's kinda of novel that you would like to read again..the human nature,the meaning of life, the wisdom i gained from this book is TREMEMDOUS!
评分Unlike other writers, who attempt to recreate this world, with its laws of physics and control, in the literary space, with the hope that the transplanted model would work out questions that are unsolved in real life, Kundera has summed up the workings of his universe, one that disturbingly resembles what's on this side of the mirror, if not superi
评分Unlike other writers, who attempt to recreate this world, with its laws of physics and control, in the literary space, with the hope that the transplanted model would work out questions that are unsolved in real life, Kundera has summed up the workings of his universe, one that disturbingly resembles what's on this side of the mirror, if not superi
Immortality 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书