Peter Kump, a rapid reading expert, has been Director of Peter Kump Reading Consultants for over twenty years. He has taught rapid reading to White House staff, corporate groups, and individuals. He lives in New York City.
A previous National Director of Education for Evelyn Wood Reading Dynamics presents his do-it-yourself program for increasing reading speed and boosting comprehension.
"Speed reading is one of the truly useful educational ideas of the last few years, and this book can be the least expensive and most efficient way you can learn it." --William Proxmire, United States Senator
The perfect answer to today's information explosion, Peter Kump's rapid reading method has already helped thousands of people to read up to eight times faster, with better concentration and retention.
This program brings together the best of what classroom speed reading courses have to offer, and distills fundamental principles and skills that can be learned at home with the help of the drills and exercises provided. And because it lets readers choose their own material and set their own pace, it's the ideal method for busy people juggling a full schedule.
Breakthrough Rapid Reading makes conquering information overload a reality. So whether it's cutting down on that backlog of business reports and technical matter or scaling that mountain of newspapers and leisure reading, getting up to speed is only a matter of time and practice.
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先說缺點吧,第一文章結構散亂,很多問題完全可以放在一章內,卻打散分開,略顯囉嗦。第二用詞略誇張,3秒一頁,5分一書什麼的,看看就好,切不要聽信。 高效閱讀需要做的前期準備: 1. 閱讀的目的是什麼。相信乾貨文中不隻一次齣現不要碎片化閱讀的內容,在我看來,即使是閱讀...
評分讀書和寫作,讓我更自由 隨著閱讀書籍的增多,我們會逐漸感覺到“帶著問題去閱讀”的重要性,尤其是對於主題閱讀這種目的性很強的閱讀方法,不管讀多少本書,核心目的都是要找到自己想要讀到的、想要學習的、想要瞭解到的內容。主動閱讀是需要經過努力實現的,而並不是毫不費力...
評分先說缺點吧,第一文章結構散亂,很多問題完全可以放在一章內,卻打散分開,略顯囉嗦。第二用詞略誇張,3秒一頁,5分一書什麼的,看看就好,切不要聽信。 高效閱讀需要做的前期準備: 1. 閱讀的目的是什麼。相信乾貨文中不隻一次齣現不要碎片化閱讀的內容,在我看來,即使是閱讀...
評分 評分1.概念學習與技能培養還有一個重要區彆。學習概念性事物很快就能完成,特彆是對成年人而言。但對技能的培養,比如閱讀,確實很復雜,不能及時習得,你應該逐一掌握閱讀技能。顯然,靠一晚上讀完並理解本書遠遠不夠。。。。。建議你一次完成一章的內容,每天一章。 火鍋:技能要...
圖書標籤: 速讀 學習 學習方法 閱讀 Speed_Reading 自我提高 方法論 英語閱讀
有點話癆,讀到作者一邊說,很多內容最重要的是 Topic 和 Conclusion,中間的沒必要細讀時,我被這 irony 笑齣瞭聲來。 沒讀過其它類似書籍的小夥伴可以考慮。
評分有效!看過之後發現有些中國英語老師真是害人不淺。自中學以來就有不少老師“警告”過看書時不要用手指當做“pacer”,這個理論先後被“How to Read a Book", 和這本書揭穿是不正確的。這本書有很多關於速讀的建議,不僅是關於提高速度而且是有利於提高理解準確度。裏麵有圖解釋如果用不同的”指法“提高閱讀速度。還有很多的drills供讀者練習,這本書基本上是一個速讀課程。我隻是看瞭建議,沒有做drills,閱讀速讀就提高瞭一倍多,有效,推薦!
評分BLAH BLAH BLAH. 嚴肅開始規避一切可能造成閱讀任務化的書。
評分Breakthrough Rapid Reading makes conquering information overload a reality. So whether it's
評分讀瞭Arthur Bell 那本Ultimate Speed Reading(豆瓣無條目)感覺信息量太少瞭,換一本看看…
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