約翰•羅賓斯(John Robbins)
他原是美國“三一”冰淇淋公司的繼承人,長大後卻拋棄榮華富貴,與妻子在西雅圖附近的小島過瞭7年迴歸自然的簡樸生活。後來,他發現隻要改變飲食習慣,就能對自己的健康以及地球的環境和生命産生深遠的影響,於是經過三年實地調查,寫下瞭《新世紀飲食》。此書一齣,動搖瞭美國多年來的飲食習慣。之後,羅賓斯在世界各地演講上韆次;也曾接受聯閤國的邀請演講;將書的內容製成錄像帶廣為發行;還創立非營利組織“拯救地球基金會”。曾獲得1987年的普利策奬提名,以及 1994年的“雷切爾•卡遜”奬。
From John Robbins, a new edition of the classic that awakened the conscience of a nation. Since the 1987 publication of Diet for a New America , beef consumption in the United States has fallen a remarkable 19%. While many forces are contributing to this dramatic shift in our habits, Diet for a New America is considered to be one of the most important. Diet for a New America is a startling examination of the food we currently buy and eat in the United States, and the astounding moral, economic, and emotional price we pay for it. In Section I, John Robbins takes an extraordinary look at our dependence on animals for food and the inhumane conditions under which these animals are raised. It becomes clear that the price we pay for our eating habits is measured in the suffering of animals, a suffering so extreme and needless that it disrupts our very place in the web of life. Section II challenges the belief that consuming meat is a requirement for health by pointing our the vastly increased rate of disease caused by pesticides, hormones, additives, and other chemicals now a routine part of our food production. The author shows us that the high health risk is unnecessary, and that the production, preparation, and consumption of food can once again be a healthy process. In Section III, Robbins looks at the global implications of a meat-based diet and concludes that the consumption of the resources necessary to produce meat is a major factor in our ecological crisis. Diet for a New America is the single most eloquent argument for a vegetarian lifestyle ever published. Eloquently, evocatively, and entertainingly written, it is a cant put down book guaranteed to amaze, infuriate, but ultimately educate and empower the reader. A pivotal book nominated for the Pulitzer Prize for Non-Fiction in 1987.:
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評分如何纔能解決內嚮人群的這一睏惑呢?就讓我們共同一睹《零壓力社交》這本社交工具書吧!鮮明的題目很明顯地嚮我們展示著一種全新的社交能力。瞭解下作者的來曆, 我們可以深切地感觸到零壓力社交法的可行性。同樣身為內嚮者的德沃拉•紮剋作者真實地,言傳身教地展現給我們她...
評分offical website http://www.johnrobbins.info/ Editorial Reviews Amazon.com In Diet for a New America, John Robbins, son of the founder of the Baskin-Robbins ice-cream empire, presents his theories about how an animal-based diet is killing Americans. Aband...
評分圖書標籤: 食物問題;健康;肉食;素食; 素食 好吃者必看 英文原版 美國 mark NewAge ENGLISH
評分Terrified mortified petrified stupefied by the truth.
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