Nobel laureate Czeslaw Milosz's most recent collection <em>Second Space</em> marks a new stage in one of the great poetic pilgrimages of our time. Few poets have inhabited the land of old age as long or energetically as Milosz, for whom this territory holds both openings and closings, affirmations as well as losses. "Not soon, as late as the approach of my ninetieth year, / I felt a door opening in me and I entered / the clarity of early morning," he writes in "Late Ripeness." Elsewhere he laments the loss of his voracious vision -- "My wondrously quick eyes, you saw many things, / Lands and cities, islands and oceans" -- only to discover a new light that defies the limits of physical sight: "Without eyes, my gaze is fixed on one bright point, / That grows large and takes me in."</p>
<em>Second Space</em> is typically capacious in the range of voices, forms, and subjects it embraces. It moves seamlessly from dramatic monologues to theological treatises, from philosophy and history to epigrams, elegies, and metaphysical meditations. It is unified by Milosz's ongoing quest to find the bond linking the things of this world with the order of a "second space," shaped not by necessity, but grace. <em>Second Space</em> invites us to accompany a self-proclaimed "apprentice" on this extraordinary quest. In "Treatise on Theology," Milosz calls himself "a one day's master." He is, of course, far more than this. <em>Second Space</em> reveals an artist peerless both in his capacity to confront the world's suffering and in his eagerness to embrace its joys: "Sun. And sky. And in the sky white clouds. / Only now everything cried to him: Eurydice! / How will I live without you, my consoling one! / But there was a fragrant scent of herbs, the low humming of bees, / And he fell asleep with his cheek on the sun-warmed earth."</p>
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1. 我手邊有四本米沃什的中譯作品:《米沃什詞典》,2002年由河北教育齣版社齣版的《切·米沃什詩選》,黃燦然翻譯的《詩的見證》,以及今天我要談到的,由周偉馳翻譯的《第二空間》。 客觀地說,《米沃什詞典》是其中最有意思的一本詩歌類的隨筆。再就是《切·米沃什詩選》。...
評分我承認,未及全然而視。 僅僅是,知道詩集本身立於其中老年時期。東歐生長的背景,為他帶來瞭許多理智明白,可無法擺脫的心結。 作為腦袋尚清醒的知識份子,他心裏知道,上帝是沒有的,可若沒有上帝,這世間的許多事情,難以解釋。努力而不得,死亡無法避免,事情走嚮無法決定...
評分睡前讀詩,已成為一種新的愜意,詩歌的力量是偉大的。 米沃什成為目前最喜歡的詩人,比濟慈更深邃,比迪蘭·托馬斯更雋永。本書尤其喜歡一、二、五部分,最末俄耳甫斯和歐律狄刻的故事,改編的十分精妙。 深夜讀米沃什相伴Max richter鏇律,兩者的意境相互成全,讓人渾然其中,...
評分我承認,未及全然而視。 僅僅是,知道詩集本身立於其中老年時期。東歐生長的背景,為他帶來瞭許多理智明白,可無法擺脫的心結。 作為腦袋尚清醒的知識份子,他心裏知道,上帝是沒有的,可若沒有上帝,這世間的許多事情,難以解釋。努力而不得,死亡無法避免,事情走嚮無法決定...
評分我承認,未及全然而視。 僅僅是,知道詩集本身立於其中老年時期。東歐生長的背景,為他帶來瞭許多理智明白,可無法擺脫的心結。 作為腦袋尚清醒的知識份子,他心裏知道,上帝是沒有的,可若沒有上帝,這世間的許多事情,難以解釋。努力而不得,死亡無法避免,事情走嚮無法決定...
圖書標籤: 詩歌 Czeslaw_Milosz 英譯 米沃什 波蘭文學 波蘭 文學 外文
I was not made to live anywhere except in Paradise./ Such, simply, was my genetic inadaptation.
評分I was not made to live anywhere except in Paradise./ Such, simply, was my genetic inadaptation.
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