Jürgen Osterhammel is a distinguished scholar of the history of modern China and professor of modern and contemporary history at the University of Konstanz. He is the 2010 recipient of the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize, Germany's most prestigious academic prize. His books in English include "Globalization: A Short History" (Princeton) and "Colonialism".
A monumental history of the nineteenth century, The Transformation of the World offers a panoramic and multifaceted portrait of a world in transition. Jürgen Osterhammel, an eminent scholar who has been called the Braudel of the nineteenth century, moves beyond conventional Eurocentric and chronological accounts of the era, presenting instead a truly global history of breathtaking scope and towering erudition. He examines the powerful and complex forces that drove global change during the "long nineteenth century," taking readers from New York to New Delhi, from the Latin American revolutions to the Taiping Rebellion, from the perils and promise of Europe's transatlantic labor markets to the hardships endured by nomadic, tribal peoples across the planet. Osterhammel describes a world increasingly networked by the telegraph, the steamship, and the railways. He explores the changing relationship between human beings and nature, looks at the importance of cities, explains the role slavery and its abolition played in the emergence of new nations, challenges the widely held belief that the nineteenth century witnessed the triumph of the nation-state, and much more.
This is the highly anticipated English edition of the spectacularly successful and critically acclaimed German book, which is also being translated into Chinese, Polish, Russian, and French. Indispensable for any historian, The Transformation of the World sheds important new light on this momentous epoch, showing how the nineteenth century paved the way for the global catastrophes of the twentieth century, yet how it also gave rise to pacifism, liberalism, the trade union, and a host of other crucial developments.
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發現一處錯誤,第一章第四節統計學一節中,第57頁:“對中國來說,年代最古老、對今天依然有幫助的人口統計數據來自1368~1398年。當時,清朝第一任皇帝為鞏固中央政權而下令實行人口普查。” 1368~1398年是明太祖硃元璋當政時期,怎麼會是清朝?搞不清楚這個錯誤是原作者犯...
評分語言上: 翻譯的是絲般順滑,讀起來沒有任何不通順的地方。 宏觀上: 本書講述的是全球各地在整個19世紀的宏大圖景。 微觀上: 對整個19世紀的全球做百科全書式的描繪、外科手術式的解剖和展示,可以說是麵麵俱到,細緻入微。 總結: 以前沒看過這樣寫大段曆史的,這種寫法開始的語...
評分語言上: 翻譯的是絲般順滑,讀起來沒有任何不通順的地方。 宏觀上: 本書講述的是全球各地在整個19世紀的宏大圖景。 微觀上: 對整個19世紀的全球做百科全書式的描繪、外科手術式的解剖和展示,可以說是麵麵俱到,細緻入微。 總結: 以前沒看過這樣寫大段曆史的,這種寫法開始的語...
評分語言上: 翻譯的是絲般順滑,讀起來沒有任何不通順的地方。 宏觀上: 本書講述的是全球各地在整個19世紀的宏大圖景。 微觀上: 對整個19世紀的全球做百科全書式的描繪、外科手術式的解剖和展示,可以說是麵麵俱到,細緻入微。 總結: 以前沒看過這樣寫大段曆史的,這種寫法開始的語...
評分過去的讀書筆記,都是先把經典的語句摘錄齣來,看完以後用自己的理解,結閤主要內容,把這些經典語句穿起來。這樣即是摘要,也是導讀,也便於查詢。 在讀19世紀史的過程中,這個方法派不上用場瞭。三大本1800多頁的內容中,涉及古今中外、不同學科,作者用一副百科全書式的框架...
圖書標籤: 曆史 世界史 十九世紀 全球化 History 奧斯特哈默 英文版 GlobalHistory
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