Peter Frankopan is Senior Research Fellow at Worcester College, Oxford, and Director the Centre for Byzantine Research at Oxford University. He took a First in History and was Schiff Scholar at Jesus College, Cambridge, before completing his doctorate at Oxford, where he was Senior Scholar at Corpus Christi College. He has lectured at leading universities all over the world, including Cambridge, Yale, Harvard, Princeton, NYU, King's College London and the Institute of Historical Research. His revised translation of The Alexiad by Anna Komnene was published in 2009 and The First Crusade was published in 2012.
The sun is setting on the Western world. Slowly but surely, the direction in which the world spins has reversed: where for the last five centuries the globe turned westwards on its axis, it now turns to the east.
For centuries, fame and fortune was to be found in the west - in the New World of the Americas. Today, it is the east which calls out to those in search of adventure and riches. The region stretching from eastern Europe and sweeping right across Central Asia deep into China and India, is taking centre stage in international politics, commerce and culture - and is shaping the modern world.
This region, the true centre of the earth, is obscure to many in the English-speaking world. Yet this is where civilization itself began, where the world's great religions were born and took root. The Silk Roads were no exotic series of connections, but networks that linked continents and oceans together. Along them flowed ideas, goods, disease and death. This was where empires were won - and where they were lost. As a new era emerges, the patterns of exchange are mirroring those that have criss-crossed Asia for millennia. The Silk Roads are rising again.
A major reassessment of world history, The Silk Roads is an important account of the forces that have shaped the global economy and the political renaissance in the re-emerging east.
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“絲綢之路”是指起始於古代中國,連接亞洲、非洲和歐洲的古代陸上商業貿易路綫。“絲綢之路”有廣義和狹義之分。廣義上的“絲綢之路”分為陸上絲綢之路和海上絲綢之路;狹義上的絲綢之路一般指陸上絲綢之路。 陸上絲綢之路起源於漢武帝派張騫齣使西域,形成其基本乾道。它以...
評分基督教作為世界三大宗教之一,他的誕生與發展,本身就是帶有某種傳奇意味的,在讀這本書前,我對於基督教的認識還相對粗淺,這本絲綢之路給我打開瞭一扇新的瞭解基督教的大門。 不同於任繼愈主編的那本《基督教史》,這本絲綢之路中對於基督教的闡釋是一種相對比較泛化的解讀,...
評分 評分圖書標籤: 曆史 絲綢之路 SilkRoad 英文原版 culture 經濟學 History English
評分bird view of silk road ,from origination of this ancient and everlasting merchant route
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