Zerubavel, a professor of sociology at Rutgers University and author of The Seven-Day Circle and other books maneuvers across politics, popular culture and academic literature to uncover sundry forms of silence and connect these within the greater social universe. He demonstrates that silence is a common subject within music and film, and references abound from Paul Simon to John Lennon, Billy Rose's Dumbo to The Secret Live of Dentists. Shifting his focus to politics, Zerubavel analyzes Bill Clinton's impeachment trial, the Catholic Church's child abuse scandal and Bush's response to Hurricane Katrina. However, while not lacking in captivating anecdotes or titillatingly obscure references, the book fails to offer any previously unknown conclusions about silence. Instead, the reader is left with familiar statements: silence can be deadly; silence in individuals breeds silence in the entire group; people tend to be silent about silence. As is obvious from the 60 pages of references (for 85 pages of text), Zerubavel is well-read and marvelously conversant on the subject. Readers looking for groundbreaking scholarship will be disappointed, though the book excels as a socio-historical account of silence's machinations.
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The Elephant in the Room 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
说什么等于不说什么 无须多言,使人们噤声的方式本身,就常常以鸦雀无声的方式进行。 ——Eviatar Zerubavel 0 最近几天一直在负责报销项目经费。在中国的学术体制中,“报销”是一个有趣的词汇。比如一项国家课题,就存在着许多的界限:每张票据不能超过200元,餐费不能超...
评分端午节的时候把这本书带回家,大概花了2天的时间读完了。 不知道别人怎么样,反正从小我的耳朵旁边充斥着“说那么有的没的,还不如埋头事干”“平庸是福”,乃至我长大以后,听到很多姑娘倡导的恋爱观是“睁一只眼闭一只眼的人比较快乐”"真相不重要,重要的是自己快乐”之类的...
评分端午节的时候把这本书带回家,大概花了2天的时间读完了。 不知道别人怎么样,反正从小我的耳朵旁边充斥着“说那么有的没的,还不如埋头事干”“平庸是福”,乃至我长大以后,听到很多姑娘倡导的恋爱观是“睁一只眼闭一只眼的人比较快乐”"真相不重要,重要的是自己快乐”之类的...
评分社会学及大众心理学入门书 整本书篇幅虽短小,却异常的尖锐,本人没有国外生活经历,不知道其他国家或种族是否“集体性冷漠”以成为生活的一钟常态,它针对于此作了深入浅出的批解。 个人觉得这本书虽然比不上1984,但“合谋的沉默”——准确且刺痛,推荐给全体国人,
评分书,很快看完了。但是思想却像是隔着层迷雾。 从最开始接触翻译的教科书到现在,不知道是否是译本书籍,已经丧失了原有语言的魅力,词句味同嚼蜡。而真正要表达的想法,很难从字里行间中梳理和归纳。洋洋洒洒的一章下来,没有重点疏离。 想知道原因,恐怕唯有拓展自己的语言能...
图书标签: 社会学 心理 开卷8分钟 社會學 社会心理学 社会 Zerubavel, 英语
The fable of the Emperor's New Clothes is a classic example of a conspiracy of silence, a situation where everyone refuses to acknowledge an obvious truth. But the denial of social realities--whether incest, alcoholism, corruption, or even genocide--is no fairy tale. In The Elephant in the Room, Eviatar Zerubavel sheds new light on the social and political underpinnings of silence and denial--the keeping of "open secrets." The author shows that conspiracies of silence exist at every level of society, ranging from small groups to large corporations, from personal friendships to politics. Drawing on examples from newspapers and comedy shows to novels, children's stories, and film, the book travels back and forth across different levels of social life, and from everyday moments to large-scale historical events. At its core, The Elephant in the Room helps us understand why we ignore truths that are known to all of us. Zerubavel shows how such conspiracies evolve, illuminating the social pressures that cause people to deny what is right before their eyes. We see how each conspirator's denial is symbiotically complemented by the others', and we learn that silence is usually more intense when there are more people conspiring--and especially when there are significant power differences among them. He concludes by showing that the longer we ignore "elephants," the larger they loom in our minds, as each avoidance triggers an even greater spiral of denial. Social life in families, organizations, communities and even entire nations is full of situations where the emperor has no clothes. The Elephant in the Room illuminates the dynamics behind these situations, revealing why we ignore obvious and alarming realities.
评分立意不错,可惜阐释得很一般。另外,作者是有多爱not to mention和by the same token这两个词组啊,100页的小书里起码双双用过20次。
The Elephant in the Room 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书