赫塔·米勒(Herta Müller),1953年8月17日生於羅馬尼亞蒂米什縣一個農民傢庭,村莊以德語為通用語言。1982年,處女作短篇小說集《低地》齣版。1987年與丈夫小說傢理查德·瓦格移居西德,現常居柏林。
The Land of Green Plums is the story of a group of young people in Nicolae Ceausescu's Romania. Having left their impoverished villages for University in search of education and camaraderie, yet largely unprepared for urban life by their provincial childhoods, the youths quickly find their hopes dashed: the city no less than the countryside bears the mark of the dictator's corrosive touch.Soon the focus of political suspicion, the narrator and her friends feel the impact of an oppressive regime: constant surveillance, harassment, humiliating interrogations, police brutality. Eventually, the friends betray each other and themselves: as they do, we see the way the totalitarian state comes to inhabit every human realm and how everyone, even the strongest, must either bend to the oppressors or resist them and thereby perish.
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讀到赫塔·米勒的獲奬演講辭《你帶手絹瞭嗎》的時候,我被深深震撼。 米勒的語言似詩歌般精煉,似散文般直白,讀起來,能直達心底。在這篇演講辭中,她講瞭很多個關於手絹的故事。第一個故事,是關於自己的。好端端工作的米勒,有一天,忽然就被國*安*局的人盯上瞭,要求她當...
評分記得二十歲時讀喬伊斯的《尤利西斯》,兩天看瞭幾十頁,覺得雲纏霧繞,糊裏糊塗,愣是沒看齣個頭緒來。自那以後,就對自己的文學理解能力很不自信,也對西方現代文學有點敬而遠之瞭。 老早就風聞2009年諾貝爾文學奬得主赫塔·米勒的書有些難懂。而收到這兩本書時,我正在礦上...
圖書標籤: HertaMuller 小說 羅馬尼亞 小說 荷塔·穆勒 德國 Herta_Muller 德語文學
16 August 2010 From Chicago IL, CPP
評分16 August 2010 From Chicago IL, CPP
評分16 August 2010 From Chicago IL, CPP
評分16 August 2010 From Chicago IL, CPP
評分16 August 2010 From Chicago IL, CPP
The Land of Green Plums 2024 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載