Shang Wei is Associate Professor of Chinese Literature, Columbia University.
Rulin waishi (the unofficial history of the scholars) is more than a landmark in the history of the Chinese novel. This 18th-century work, which was deeply embedded in the intellectual and literary discourses of its time, challenges the reader to come to grips with the mid-Qing debates over ritual and ritualism, and the construction of history, narrative and lyricism. Wu Jingzi's (1701-54) ironic portrait of literati life was unprecedented in its comprehensive treatment of the degeneration of mores, the predicaments of official institutions, and the Confucian elite's futile struggle to reassert moral and cultural authority. Like many of his fellow literati, Wu found the vernacular novel an expressive and malleable medium for discussing elite concerns. Through a close reading of Rulin waishi, Shang Wei seeks to answer such questions as: what accounts for the literati's enthusiasm for writing and reading novels?; does this enthusiasm bespeak a conscious effort to develop a community of critical discourse outside the official world?; why did literati authors eschew publication?; what are the bases for their social and cultural criticisms?; how far do their criticisms go, given the authors' alleged Confucianism? ; and if literati authors were interested solely in recovering moral and cultural hegemony for their class, how can we explain the irony found in their works?
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本書第二部分第四章有一處錯誤。第204頁第二段,“他(丁言誌)買瞭一部詩集,據說收錄瞭小說第12迴所寫的鶯脰湖雅集上的詩作”,“丁言誌開始嚮彆人炫耀他的詩集,卻因此陷入瞭一場關於詩集真僞的爭論”。 按原著第54迴,擁有這本詩集的人是陳和尚,他的父親陳和甫當年參加過...
評分>;>; * 課程首頁 Course Home <> * 課程簡介 Course Introduction <
評分商偉:學問的背後應該有更大的關懷 1 南都:你那時候選擇北大中文係是什麼原因?也是文學青年嗎? 商偉:我小時候學畫,想考美術學院,最大的理想就是考進浙江美院,現在改稱中國美術學院瞭。為瞭學畫,我還花瞭不少笨功夫,手抄瞭好幾本書,其中有俄國的《契斯恰科夫素描教學...
評分如果說《儒林外史》是神仙小說,那麼商偉先生就是這一小說研究者中的神仙學者。跟隨他的指引,對小說的理解從淺率到迷茫、到幻滅。我應當慶幸能夠一窺作傢及研究者所揭露的幻滅感層麵,即使以近乎冷靜無情的方式。 就商偉先生的研究思路與對文化思想的洞見,談兩點。 1.發掘形...
圖書標籤: 海外中國研究 明清時期 文學 晚期帝國 文化研究 敘事 近現代史 明清研究
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