喬治·伽莫夫(1904-1968, George Gamow)世界著名物理學傢和天文學傢。伽莫夫1904年生於俄國敖德薩市。1928年獲蘇聯列寜格勒大學物理學博士學位。先後在丹麥哥本哈根大學和英國劍橋大學(師從物理學傢玻爾和盧瑟福),以及列寜格勒大學、巴黎居裏研究所、密執安大學、華盛頓大學、加利福尼亞大學伯剋利分校、科羅拉多大學從事研究和教學工作。1968年在美國科羅拉多州的博爾德逝世。
One of the world's foremost nuclear physicists (celebrated for his theory of radioactive decay, among other accomplishments), George Gamow possessed the unique ability of making the world of science accessible to the general reader.
He brings that ability to bear in this delightful expedition through the problems, pleasures, and puzzles of modern science. Among the topics scrutinized with the author's celebrated good humor and pedagogical prowess are the macrocosm and the microcosm, theory of numbers, relativity of space and time, entropy, genes, atomic structure, nuclear fission, and the origin of the solar system.
In the pages of this book readers grapple with such crucial matters as whether it is possible to bend space, why a rocket shrinks, the "end of the world problem," excursions into the fourth dimension, and a host of other tantalizing topics for the scientifically curious. Brimming with amusing anecdotes and provocative problems, One Two Three . . . Infinity also includes over 120 delightful pen-and-ink illustrations by the author, adding another dimension of good-natured charm to these wide-ranging explorations.
Whatever your level of scientific expertise, chances are you'll derive a great deal of pleasure, stimulation, and information from this unusual and imaginative book. It belongs in the library of anyone curious about the wonders of the scientific universe.
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評分很多科學傢都寫科普著作,其中的優秀者,比如卡爾·薩根、費理曼、伽莫夫,除瞭科普著作多之外,所寫之書大多成為暢銷書,不因科學受眾的狹窄而束之高閣。原因在於,一是通俗易懂,二是文法好、有故事。 這兩條理由,看起來很簡單,做起來卻難。科普著作的讀者,不是科學傢,...
圖書標籤: 科普 數學 物理 經典 伽莫夫 英文原版 Mathematics 自然科學
評分看的熱淚盈眶 作者將數理化生融閤的很好 科學傢真的太偉大瞭 宇宙真是太神奇瞭...如果我能在中學讀到該有多好
評分202015-16《從一到無窮大》(George Gamow 1904-1968) 作者是大爆炸宇宙模型的發展者,熱大爆炸宇宙學模型的創立者,也是最早提齣遺傳密碼模型的人。 作者另外的兩本書同樣值得一讀: 《Mr. Tompkins in Paperback 物理世界奇遇記》:,1965年。 《Thirty Years That Shook Physics: The Story of Quantum Theory 震驚物理學的三十年:量子理論的故事》,1966年。
One, Two, Three...Infinity 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載