Sixth in the Anthony Award-winning Southern Vampire series.
Spiked with a frothy fusion of romance, mystery, and fantasy, this bestselling series sends the supernaturally gifted cocktail waitress Sookie Stackhouse to New Orleans, where she has to deal with the legacy of one of her own family and a host of potentially dangerous characters.
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Really love vampire story mysteries, whatever "Twilight Saga" or "Anne Rice" or "Sookie Stackhouse mysteries" or "The Vampire Diary", all are attractive & wonderful. (except for "The Vampire Diary" did better on TV than in book). Eric Northman, Bill Compto...
評分Really love vampire story mysteries, whatever "Twilight Saga" or "Anne Rice" or "Sookie Stackhouse mysteries" or "The Vampire Diary", all are attractive & wonderful. (except for "The Vampire Diary" did better on TV than in book). Eric Northman, Bill Compto...
評分係列小說的第一本可以說是硬著頭皮看完的,那時作者的用詞和構思都很隨便甚至有點粗俗,情節也沒有完全鋪展開,就覺得很黃很暴力。那時剛看完暮光的英文版,文字清新,覺得兩套書沒有可比性。 但是Charlaine Harris真的是個越寫越會寫的人,從第五本開始故事情節就完全...
評分Really love vampire story mysteries, whatever "Twilight Saga" or "Anne Rice" or "Sookie Stackhouse mysteries" or "The Vampire Diary", all are attractive & wonderful. (except for "The Vampire Diary" did better on TV than in book). Eric Northman, Bill Compto...
評分圖書標籤: CharlaineHarris vampire SouthernVampire 小說 英文原版 美國 SookieStackhouseSeries 英文
在曼榖這幾天纍到要死,很大一個原因是睡的太少,而理由是我忍不住幾乎每個晚上都看書看到淩晨2點。還記得第一本的時候對作者的寫作能力深錶懷疑,故事完全弱智,女主絕對沒腦。前三本都散亂混沌,但第四本開始作者漸入佳境,越寫越嫻熟,這絕對不是潛意識的grows on me,而是明顯的感到故事更有層級,角色更豐滿。連續看3本已經記不起這本具體的感想,印象裏這本是以werewolf為主綫,自然我最喜歡的Eric戲份就不多,不過故事足以吸引我讀下去。但還是那句話,這個係列最失敗的,應該是毫無新意並且不悅耳的係列書名。dead dead dead。
評分I wanna know what Quinn looks like in the flesh...
評分看完就在期待Quinn能不能在劇裏齣現啊,太帥又有趣的一個角色!看到光頭肌肉男第一反應就是Vin Diesel啊還被人嘲笑瞭……
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