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Cherishing Men from Afar


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James Hevia

Professor of the College, the New Collegiate Division, and International History

Director, Global Studies Program

PhD 1986 The University of Chicago

James Hevia's research has focused on empire and imperialism in eastern and central Asia. Primarily dealing with the British Empire in India and southeast Asia and the Qing empire in China, the specific concerns have been with the causes and justifications for conflict; how empire in Asia became normalized within Europe through markets, exhibitions, and various forms of public media; and how the events of the nineteenth century are remembered in contemporary China. Both Cherishing Men from Afar (1995) and English Lessons (2003) focus on these issues. Subsequent research has centered on how the British in India developed and became dependent upon the production of useful knowledge about populations and geography to maintain their Asian empire. The first part of this project deals with military intelligence and appears in The Imperial Security State (2012). The second part of the project addresses military logistics, the uses of pack animals in warfare, and the physical transformation of the Punjab as a resource for supporting a security regime in northwest India.


The Imperial Security State: British Colonial Knowledge and Empire-building in Asia. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012.

Yingguode Keye: Shijiu Shiji Zhongguo de Diguo Zhuyi Jiaocheng (English Lessons). Translated by Liu Tianlu. Beijing: Shehui kexue wenxian chubanshe, 2007.

English Lessons: The Pedagogy of Imperialism in Nineteenth-Century China. Durham, NC: Duke University Press and Hong Kong University Press, 2003.

Cherishing Men from Afar: Qing Guest Ritual and the Macartney Embassy of 1793. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 1995. Chinese translation: Huairou yuanren. Beijing: Social Sciences Publishing House, 2002.

Winner of the 1997 Joseph R. Levenson Book Prize, Association for Asian Studies.

"Tribute, Asymmetry, and Imperial Formations: Rethinking Relations of Power

in East Asia." In Past and Present in China's Foreign Policy, edited by John E. Wills. Portland, MN: Merwin Asia, 2011.

"Small Wars and Counterinsurgency." In Anthropology and Global Counterinsurgency, edited by John D. Kelly et al., 169–177. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2010.

"Tribute, Asymmetry, and Imperial Formations: Rethinking Relations of Power

in East Asia." Journal of American-East Asian Relations, special edition, From "Tribute System" to "Peaceful Rise": American Historians, Political Scientists, and Policy Analysts Discuss China's Foreign Relations 16, no. 1–2 (Spring–Summer 2009): 69–83.

"'The ultimate gesture of deference and debasement': Kowtowing in China." The Politics of Gesture: Historical Perspectives 203 (2009): 212–234.

"The Photography Complex: Exposing Boxer China, Making Civilization (1900–1901)." In Photographies East: The Camera and its Histories in East and Southeast Asia, edited by Rosalind Morris, 79–119. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2009.

"Plunder, Markets, and Museums: The Biographies of Chinese Imperial

Objects in Europe and North America." In What’s the Use of Art? Asian Visual and Material Culture in Context, edited by Morgan Pitlka, 29–141. Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press, 2007.

"Rulership and Tibetan Buddhism in Eighteenth-Century China: Qing Emperors, Lamas and Audience Rituals." In Medieval and Early Modern Rituals: Formalized Behavior in the East and West, edited by Joelle Rollo-Koster, 279–302 Leiden: E.J. Brill, 2002.

"World Heritage, National Culture, and the Restoration of Chengde." Positions 9, no. 1 (2001): 219–244.

"Looting Beijing, 1860, 1900." In Tokens of Exchange, edited by Lydia Liu, 192–213. Durham NC: Duke University Press, 1999.

"The Archive State and the Fear of Pollution: From the Opium Wars to Fu-Manchu." Cultural Studies 12, no. 2 (1998): 234–264.

"Leaving a Brand on China." In Formations of Colonial Modernity in East Asia, edited by Tani E. Barlow, 113–140. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 1997.

"Imperial Guest Ritual: A Translation and Introductory Comments." In Religions of China, edited by Donald Lopez, 471–487. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1996.

"An Imperial Nomad and the Great Game: Thomas Francis Wade in China." Late Imperial China 16, no. 2 (1995): 1–22.

Cherishing Men from Afar pdf epub mobi 圖書描述

In the late eighteenth century two expansive Eurasian empires met formally for the first time--the Manchu or Qing dynasty of China and the maritime empire of Great Britain. The occasion was the mission of Lord Macartney, sent by the British crown and sponsored by the East India Company, to the court of the Qianlong emperor. "Cherishing Men from Afar" looks at the initial confrontation between these two empires from a historical perspective informed by the insights of contemporary postcolonial criticism and cultural studies.

The history of this encounter, like that of most colonial and imperial encounters, has traditionally been told from the Europeans' point of view. In this book, James L. Hevia consults Chinese sources--many previously untranslated--for a broader sense of what Qing court officials understood; and considers these documents in light of a sophisticated anthropological understanding of Qing ritual processes and expectations. He also reexamines the more familiar British accounts in the context of recent critiques of orientalism and work on the development of the bourgeois subject. Hevia's reading of these sources reveals the logics of two discrete imperial formations, not so much impaired by the cultural misunderstandings that have historically been attributed to their meeting, but animated by differing ideas about constructing relations of sovereignty and power. His examination of Chinese and English-language scholarly treatments of this event, both historical and contemporary, sheds new light on the place of the Macartney mission in the dynamics of colonial and imperial encounters.

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何偉亞(James L.Hevia)的Cherishing Men from Afar(中譯名《懷柔遠人》)一書,由於其所標榜的後現代的研究取嚮,在美國漢學界引起瞭強烈的爭議,並轉而在中文世界引發瞭進一步的關注與爭論,這一西風東漸的過程,可以被視為太平洋兩岸一次成功的學術互動,而關於該書的...


上William Rowe做presentation用,包括瞭後來周锡瑞、艾爾曼鬍誌德和何偉亞幾人就此書爭論的文章總結。 James Hevia, Cherishing Men from Afar: Qing Guest Ritual and the Macartney Embassy of 1793 Duke University Press, 1995 ---Levenson Book Prize, 1997 (Associatio...  



1793年馬嘎爾尼(George Macartney)使華事件是中國對外關係史上的標誌性事件。後人對其的解讀也成為一個熱點的研究領域。傳統上的看法或多或少都受到費正清“衝擊-迴應”以及“朝貢體製”觀點的影響。而何偉亞(James L. Hevia)的《懷柔遠人》正是對此類觀點的一種迴應與反...  


這兩天有機會翻瞭翻這本書的中文譯本,翻譯的錯誤超多,而且文字很不通順。請注意,不是說何偉亞的翻譯錯誤多(確實不少),而是中文本的翻譯錯誤更令人驚訝不已,某種程度上何偉亞給譯者背瞭黑鍋。 有些地方譯者的基本英語水平都不過關。比如第83頁(對應英文版第80頁),原文...  

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出版者:Duke University Press Books
作者:James L. Hevia
價格:USD 24.95

圖書標籤: 海外中國研究  曆史  列文森中國研究書籍奬  清史  懷柔遠人  Hevia  何偉亞  英文版   

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懷柔遠人. 何偉亞. 其實我覺得寫的還滿不錯的哎,難得的海外學者研究中英文化可以那麼有趣的,是大視野 Chris 2013.12.13









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