Emiko Ohnuki-Tierney is the William F. Vilas Research Professor in the Department of Anthropology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She is the author of a number of books in English and Japanese, most recently Rice as Self: Japanese Identities through Time; The Monkey as Mirror: Symbolic Transformations in Japanese History and Ritual; and Illness and Culture in Contemporary Japan.
Kamikaze, Cherry Blossoms, and Nationalisms 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
评分太平洋战争末期,日本帝国海陆军相继组建了诸如“神风特攻队”一类自杀性袭击的敢死队。“自愿”加入特攻队的万余名士兵里,最终阵亡近4000人,而阵亡者当中,又有1/4的学生兵,也就是大学一二年级的新生或是高中生。 一直以来,我们以为这类敢死队员必定是军国主义的狂热信徒...
评分 评分金句 没有人可以活在文化的真空中,每一个人都必然被自身所处的文化环境,裹挟在历史的洪流中。 1、让这些年轻人自愿赴死的不是军国主义和极端民族主义,而是被美化了的理想主义和浪漫主义 2、日本人相信樱花是日本独有的花,吟诵日本独有的樱花,就是吟诵日本,是一种文化自强...
评分图书标签: Japan 英文版 历史 culture 爱作为政治概念 日本 大贯惠美子 人类学
Why did almost one thousand highly educated "student scholars" volunteer to serve in Japan's "tokkotai" (kamikaze) operations near the end of World War II, even though Japan was losing the war? Did they embody the imperial ideology both in thought and in action? In this study of the role of symbolism and aesthetics in totalitarian ideology, Emiko Ohnuki-Tierney shows how the state manipulated the time-honoured Japanese symbol of the cherry blossom to convince people that it was their honour to "die like beautiful falling cherry petals" for the emperor. Drawing on diaries never before published in English, Ohnuki-Tierney describes these young men's agonies and even defiance against the imperial ideology. Passionately devoted to cosmopolitan intellectual traditions, the pilots saw the cherry blossom not in militaristic terms, but as a symbol of the painful beauty and unresolved ambiguities of their tragically brief lives. Using Japan as an example, the author breaks new ground in the understanding of symbolic communication, nationalism and totalitarian ideologies and their execution.
评分一口气读完,写的非常流畅,看的很舒服。相比起樱花作为符号是如何被动用为政治意识形态并潜移默化地和传统美学相媾和,她更有力的论证还是文化不是一个边界分明的、本质的、local的实在体。敢死队年轻飞行员们的读书清单真的相当震撼。"This book, I hope, will serve not simply as a requiem for the pilots and countless other war victims, Japanese and non-Japanese, but as a reminder that such tragedies should never be repeated." 再看到樱花,尤其是神社面前的樱花,应该要想起这些同龄人字字泣血的心。
评分一口气读完,写的非常流畅,看的很舒服。相比起樱花作为符号是如何被动用为政治意识形态并潜移默化地和传统美学相媾和,她更有力的论证还是文化不是一个边界分明的、本质的、local的实在体。敢死队年轻飞行员们的读书清单真的相当震撼。"This book, I hope, will serve not simply as a requiem for the pilots and countless other war victims, Japanese and non-Japanese, but as a reminder that such tragedies should never be repeated." 再看到樱花,尤其是神社面前的樱花,应该要想起这些同龄人字字泣血的心。
Kamikaze, Cherry Blossoms, and Nationalisms 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
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