Joe Zhang, 50, is an independent corporate advisor based in Hong Kong. From 2011 to 2012, he was Chairman of Wansui Micro Credit Company in Guangzhou, China. He was named "A Microcredit Person of the Year"; in January 2012 by the Microcredit Association of China. He worked for 11 years at UBS, mainly as Head of China Research and then Deputy Head of its China Investment Banking Division. From 1986 to 1989, he was an official of the central People's Bank of China in Beijing. From 2006 to 2008, he was the Chief Operating Officer of Shenzhen Investment Limited, a property developer. His work has appeared in The Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, International Herald Tribune, and The New York Times.
Joe Zhang was chairman of a micro-credit company in China in the past two years. This book is a personal story. Is shadow banking in China likely to become the source of the next global financial crisis or simply a little understood area of the enormous Mainland economy? Financial industry expert Joe Zhang pulls back the curtain on this sector and explains how shadow banking in China impacts the regional and world economies. Within shadow banking, China's microcredit industry is an area of tremendous interest for most business analysts. In this book, Joe Zhang pinpoints the areas of concern based on his experience in the field and his knowledge of the complicated rules and regulations of banking in China gathered during his years as an official of the central People's Bank of China in Beijing. Drawing on his time spent at UBS, as well as the work of prominent economists, Joe Zhang explains shadow banking and microcredit in China for investors, economists, laypeople, and the general public.
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要解決影子銀行問題,唯有中央加息。 中國人要感謝影子銀行,因為影子銀行嚮大傢透露瞭通脹是多少,市場利率又究竟應該是多少。如中央銀行盡量把官方利率調整到市場利率的附近,影子銀行就沒有太大生存空間。 ...
評分初看簡曆時光輝燦爛:人總行計劃司5年,後入瑞銀華寶證券公司,擔任董事總經理兼中國研究部聯席主管和主管任中國研究部主管。7年證券業從業經驗。掀翻過格林柯爾及顧雛軍。可惜,寫的極差。通篇無關於影子銀行,說的不過是自己在小貸公司的雞零狗碎。 寫到其與某分行行長談及...
圖書標籤: 金融 張化橋 經濟與金融 中國 銀行 banking shadow 中國政治
評分本書前半部分作者以擔任萬穗小額貸款公司CEO的個人經曆為基礎,就國內影子銀行體係做瞭微觀、具體、形象的描述和分析,並從一個小額信貸執業人員的角度,道齣瞭該行業目前所麵臨的機遇、尷尬和睏難;後半部分作者則以金融分析師和經濟學傢的姿態,從更為宏觀的層麵上,對國內影子銀行體係進行瞭全麵、係統的學術研究分析,主要有以下幾個議題:1)國內影子銀行體係的定義、組成結構和風險水平,2)利率管理製度的破壞性結果及可能的改良辦法,3)小額信貸業的發展狀況及其所麵臨的經濟、政策、社會不利環境,以及作者嚮監管部門提齣的政策建議。實際上對於標題中提到的”The Next Subprime Crisis“,作者並沒有做過多分析 ,而是指齣就次級貸款相對於GDP的規模來說,中國目前水平遠在G20和歐元區國傢之下。
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