Joe Zhang, 50, is an independent corporate advisor based in Hong Kong. From 2011 to 2012, he was Chairman of Wansui Micro Credit Company in Guangzhou, China. He was named "A Microcredit Person of the Year"; in January 2012 by the Microcredit Association of China. He worked for 11 years at UBS, mainly as Head of China Research and then Deputy Head of its China Investment Banking Division. From 1986 to 1989, he was an official of the central People's Bank of China in Beijing. From 2006 to 2008, he was the Chief Operating Officer of Shenzhen Investment Limited, a property developer. His work has appeared in The Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, International Herald Tribune, and The New York Times.
Inside China's Shadow Banking 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
整本书就是围绕着中国的监管不合理进行阐述。 万穗小贷公司找张化桥就是要扩大规模,否则自己的1.5亿资本金和50%的杠杆一达到上限,就无法扩张。 so他们的目的就是要不让政府改变制度,将杠杆放到100%,要不贷款证券化,联合设立一只10亿元规模的投资基金,作为架设在万穗之上...
评分5年前影子银行在中国还不成气候,它充其量是让被银行忽略的小型企业的一条获得信贷的途径。如今的影子银行却在迅速膨胀,并逐步演变为金融系统的一个重要组成部分。但由于信息不通畅,人们对影子银行仍然知之甚少。 张化桥的新书《中国影子银行内幕:下一个次贷危机》(China's...
评分久闻张化桥先生的大名,之前也读过他部分文章,感觉逻辑性很强,猜测他是个敢讲真话,激扬文字的人。 拿到这本书的时候,不免有些失望,《影子银行内幕》确实非常吸引眼球,窃以为可以通过张先生鞭辟入里的分析,能够让我们窥探影子银行到底有哪些内幕,是否会成为下一次危机的...
评分中国股市为什么下跌,我比较喜欢这一章。这本书在国外亚马逊以及香港早已有销售。作者的自嘲自讽,被誉为最敢言的博主,真是当之无愧,全书以自己的亲自经历为原本,将世界以及中国的影子银行勾画的赤裸裸。 记得上半年的时候,在商言商这个话题很火,在这本书里你也真真切切...
图书标签: 金融 张化桥 经济与金融 中国 银行 banking shadow 中国政治
Joe Zhang was chairman of a micro-credit company in China in the past two years. This book is a personal story. Is shadow banking in China likely to become the source of the next global financial crisis or simply a little understood area of the enormous Mainland economy? Financial industry expert Joe Zhang pulls back the curtain on this sector and explains how shadow banking in China impacts the regional and world economies. Within shadow banking, China's microcredit industry is an area of tremendous interest for most business analysts. In this book, Joe Zhang pinpoints the areas of concern based on his experience in the field and his knowledge of the complicated rules and regulations of banking in China gathered during his years as an official of the central People's Bank of China in Beijing. Drawing on his time spent at UBS, as well as the work of prominent economists, Joe Zhang explains shadow banking and microcredit in China for investors, economists, laypeople, and the general public.
Inside China's Shadow Banking 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书