In the new Charlie Kaufman film directed by Michel Gondry, Joel (Jim Carrey) is stunned to discover that his girlfriend Clementine (Kate Winslet) has had her memories of their tumultuous relationship erased. Out of desperation, he contacts the inventor of the process, Dr. Howard Mierzwiak (Tom Wilkinson), to have Clementine removed from his own memory. But as Joel's memories progressively disappear, he begins to rediscover their earlier passion. From deep within the recesses of his brain, Joel attempts to escape the procedure. As Dr. Mierzwiak and his crew (Kirsten Dunst, Mark Buffalo, Elijah Wood) chase him through the maze of his memories, it's clear that Joel just can't get her out of his head. "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind: The Shooting Script includes the complete screenplay, a selection of black-and-white movie stills, selected production notes, and complete cast and crew credits.
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圖書標籤: 劇本 Kaufman Charlie 電影劇本 英文原版 the shoting script
麵對考夫曼的劇本 中國導演十個有十個要抓狂瞭 你讓我怎麼拍 我就是拍瞭你要我怎麼剪
評分So much depress than the film
評分Gondry的導演功力很關鍵 比較shooting script和成片的區彆就能基本猜到在片場和剪輯室發生瞭什麼
評分So much depress than the film
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