Thus Spake Zarathustra 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
晚上浏览易文网新书时不意中瞥见《查拉图斯特拉如是说》,诧异,大脑飞速旋转,又一个新译本?还是旧译新刊(我一直希望有哪家社能够再版楚图南先生的旧译本)?急忙打开网页看个端详,竟是孙周兴老师新译的,敢情现在中国的牛人都去翻译这本书了!哈哈 第一次试读此书是刚上...
评分 评分【按语:《扎拉图斯特拉如是说(1883-5)》具有一种哲学小说风格的写作方式,或许是尼采最知名的著作。在其中尼采借扎拉图斯特拉之口首先提出和诠释了超人(overman)和永恒复归(eternal recurrence)的主题。上帝已死,超人就是大地的意义,人是应该被超越的东西,而其结果就...
评分我比较排斥那些泛泛的访谈,从一个老人的早年经历说起,从求学经历到爱情生活到家庭状况到事业回顾,综述他的生平,最后发些第一人称或第三人称的感慨。 我想找一个比较小的切口,而对于一生丰富如钱老的人而言,怕也必须如此。 于是时机到了。 ...
评分我比较排斥那些泛泛的访谈,从一个老人的早年经历说起,从求学经历到爱情生活到家庭状况到事业回顾,综述他的生平,最后发些第一人称或第三人称的感慨。 我想找一个比较小的切口,而对于一生丰富如钱老的人而言,怕也必须如此。 于是时机到了。 ...
图书标签: 哲学 尼采 Nietzsche 英语 英文 SJC Philosophy 2000
The profoundest book there is, born from the innermost richness of truth, an inexhaustible well into which no bucket descends without coming up with gold and goodness.' Thus Spoke Zarathustra (1885) was Nietzsche's own favourite among all his books and has proved to be his most popular, having sold millions of copies in many different languages. In it he addresses the problem of how to live a fulfilling life in a world without meaning, in the aftermath of 'the death of God'. Nietzsche's solution lies in the idea of eternal recurrence which he calls 'the highest formula of affirmation that can ever be attained'. A successful engagement with this profoundly Dionysian idea enables us to choose clearly among the myriad possibilities that existence offers, and thereby to affirm every moment of our lives with others on this 'sacred' earth. This translation of Zarathustra (the first new English version for over forty years) conveys the musicality of the original German, and for the first time annotates the abundance of allusions to the Bible and other classic texts with which Nietzsche's masterpiece is in conversation. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
Lo, I teach you der Übermensch!(1905版,序是尼采妹妹写的。可能正因为是他妹妹写的所以对序略有反感。)
评分Lo, I teach you der Übermensch!(1905版,序是尼采妹妹写的。可能正因为是他妹妹写的所以对序略有反感。)
评分先前看过孙周兴的中译本,Thomas Common的英译更富于rhythmicity,短句活泼,近乎诗。中古英语隔离了原意却适宜朗诵。寄托性的阐述让我全程recall黑塞的Siddhartha,论怪异诡谲与贝克特式的荒诞吻合,又不同于无意义的荒诞。
Thus Spake Zarathustra 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书