A.麦金太尔(1929— ) 早年就读于曼彻斯特大学,先后执教于曼彻斯特大学、利兹大学、波士顿大学与维特比德大学,现任美国鹿特丹大学哲学系麦克马洪与哈克荣誉教授。麦金太尔是当代西方最重要的伦理学家之一,伦理学与政治哲学中社群主义运动的代表人物。从二十世纪五十年代起,麦金太尔以其大量的著作,对摩尔以来的元伦理学进行了不懈的攻击。他的重要著作《追寻美德》(1981)、《谁的合理性,谁的正义》(1988)以及《三种对立的道德探究观》(1990),在对西方现代性的根源的追溯中,促进了亚里士多德的德性伦理学在当代的复兴。
After Virtue 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
一 是否有一个唯一正确的道德标准?麦金泰尔给出了几个对比的说法:1a. 好处多于坏处的战争是正义的;b. 想要和平就得备战;c. 侵略战争是不义的,解放战争是合理的。2a. 胎儿是母体的一部分,母亲可以决定是否堕胎;b. 堕胎损害婴儿的利益;c. 杀害生命是错的,堕胎是谋杀。3a...
评分 评分摘 要:英國哲學家麥金泰爾在其名著《德行之後》從德行倫理學的立場對康德倫理學提出四項批評,分別針對其「規則倫理學」、「嚴格主義」、「形式主義」,以及其「對於人類理性的貧乏概念」。英國學者歐尼爾、貝朗與阿塔納蘇里斯均指出︰ 麥金泰爾的批評係建立在對康德倫理學著...
评分(写了大约3000字,放了几天,丢了,桑心,随便写了⋯⋯) 首先,一个大致的感觉,麦金太尔此书的论述思路类似胡塞尔的“欧洲科学的危机”,讲的是现代道德奠基的失败和古典德性观的复兴,恰如胡塞尔说近代科学的奠基性失败,然而尝试用先验现象学给出关于普遍性的...
图书标签: 哲学 伦理学 AlasdairMacintyre Ethics 麦金泰尔 亚里士多德 道德哲学 Virtue
In this classic work, Alasdair MacIntyre examines the historical and conceptual roots of the idea of virtue, diagnoses the reasons for its absence in personal and public life, and offers a tentative proposal for its recovery. While the individual chapters are wide-ranging, once pieced together they comprise a penetrating and focused argument about the price of modernity. In the Third Edition prologue, MacIntyre revisits the central theses of the book and concludes that although he has learned a great deal and has supplemented and refined his theses and arguments in other works, he has "as yet found no reason for abandoning the major contentions" of this book. He remains "committed to the thesis that it is only from the standpoint of a very different tradition, one whose beliefs and presuppositions were articulated in their classical form by Aristotle, that we can understand both the genesis and the predicament of moral modernity."
无论是方法论(德性德行之分)还是内容中对中世纪神学传统与亚里士多德virtue的梳理都让我豁然开朗,其中对于virtue in a biblical sense的论述相当中肯(unconditional love & justice), (punishment& forgiveness)读到最后有些难过觉得自己从没读懂过罪与罚,最后一章姑娘陪着拉斯科尔尼科夫服苦役不就是这种最纯真的forgiveness for the sin么!过完经院哲学就重读
评分Si Grand!
评分无论是方法论(德性德行之分)还是内容中对中世纪神学传统与亚里士多德virtue的梳理都让我豁然开朗,其中对于virtue in a biblical sense的论述相当中肯(unconditional love & justice), (punishment& forgiveness)读到最后有些难过觉得自己从没读懂过罪与罚,最后一章姑娘陪着拉斯科尔尼科夫服苦役不就是这种最纯真的forgiveness for the sin么!过完经院哲学就重读
评分Rlly impressed by MacIntyre’s elegant mastery of language 能把这么dry的philosophy写得这么美也是牛逼了
After Virtue 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书