Lean In for Graduates 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
这是由现任facebook首席运营官谢丽尔·桑德伯(Sheryl·Sandberg)根据她自身的经历与周围朋友的事例所写的书。Sheryl的履历非常的漂亮、有分量。但我很少读这类名人的书,因为大多数人都会美化、英雄化,越成功的人越明显,特别是在成功男性身上体现的非常明显。 最开始吸引...
评分刚刚读完桑德伯格的《向前一步》。有人说她只是说了一些自己的故事并search了一些数据,没什么深刻的内容,嘿嘿,但我的确很喜欢这本书,让某些所谓的说教式深刻见鬼去吧! 看了这本书的第一个收获是,原来像她这么成功的女性也时常觉得“自己像个骗子”,好像自己没有...
评分这是由现任facebook首席运营官谢丽尔·桑德伯(Sheryl·Sandberg)根据她自身的经历与周围朋友的事例所写的书。Sheryl的履历非常的漂亮、有分量。但我很少读这类名人的书,因为大多数人都会美化、英雄化,越成功的人越明显,特别是在成功男性身上体现的非常明显。 最开始吸引...
评分这是由现任facebook首席运营官谢丽尔·桑德伯(Sheryl·Sandberg)根据她自身的经历与周围朋友的事例所写的书。Sheryl的履历非常的漂亮、有分量。但我很少读这类名人的书,因为大多数人都会美化、英雄化,越成功的人越明显,特别是在成功男性身上体现的非常明显。 最开始吸引...
评分看过Sheryl Sandberg的TED演讲之后,我曾把她的演讲一字一句听抄下来。后来得知她将出一本关于Women, Work, Leadership的书后更是欣喜万分,自觉要第一时间买来阅读。在拿到书之前,我还陆续看了60 Minutes对她的专访,她近期在芝加哥的演讲以及她上的囧叔talk show节目。 昨...
图书标签: 女性 职业发展 职场 成长 谢丽尔·桑德伯格 女性主义 graduate SherylSandberg
Expanded and updated exclusively for graduates just entering the workforce, this extraordinary edition of Lean In includes a letter to graduates from Sheryl Sandberg and six additional chapters from experts offering advice on finding and getting the most out of a first job; résumé writing; best interviewing practices; negotiating your salary; listening to your inner voice; owning who you are; and leaning in for millennial men.
In 2013, Sheryl Sandberg’s Lean In became a massive cultural phenomenon and its title became an instant catchphrase for empowering women. The book soared to the top of best-seller lists both nationally and internationally, igniting global conversations about women and ambition. Sandberg packed theaters, dominated op-ed pages, appeared on every major television show and on the cover of Time magazine, and sparked ferocious debate about women and leadership. Now, this enhanced edition provides the entire text of the original book updated with more recent statistics and features a passionate letter from Sandberg encouraging graduates to find and commit to work they love. A combination of inspiration and practical advice, this new edition will speak directly to graduates and, like the original, will change lives.
New Material for the Graduate Edition:
· A Letter to Graduates from Sheryl Sandberg
· Find Your First Job, by Mindy Levy (Levy has more than twenty years of experience in all phases of organizational management and holds degrees from Wharton and Penn)
· Negotiate Your Salary, by Kim Keating (Keating is the founder and managing director of Keating Advisors)
· Man Up: Millennial Men and Equality, by Kunal Modi (Modi is a consultant at McKinsey & Company and a recent graduate of Harvard Kennedy School and Harvard Business School)
· Leaning In Together, by Rachel Thomas (Thomas is the president of Lean In)
· Own Who You Are, by Mellody Hobson (Hobson is the president of Ariel Investments)
· Listen to Your Inner Voice, by Rachel Simmons (Simmons is cofounder of the Girls Leadership Institute)
· 12 Lean In stories (500-word essays), by readers around the world who have been inspired by Sandberg
大四的时候读过的中文版,已经忘得差不多了。在正式开始找工作的这个月读了for graduate的英文版,多少还是有些正能量的。holding back可能是自己的一种选择,但是其中有多少真的是自己的意愿,又或者被社会的固有形态所影响
评分大四的时候读过的中文版,已经忘得差不多了。在正式开始找工作的这个月读了for graduate的英文版,多少还是有些正能量的。holding back可能是自己的一种选择,但是其中有多少真的是自己的意愿,又或者被社会的固有形态所影响
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Lean In for Graduates 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书