Sam Newman is a technologist at ThoughtWorks, where he currently splits his time between encouraging and sharing Innovation globally and helping design and build their internal systems. He has worked with a variety of companies in multiple domains around the world, often with one foot in the developer world, and another in the IT operations space. If you asked him what he does, he’d say ‘I work with people to build better software systems’. He has written articles, presented at conferences, and sporadically commits to open source projects. He is currently writing a book, Building Microservices, which should be available in the Autumn of this year from O'Reilly.
Building Microservices 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书
> 如果你有四个小组开发编译器,那么你会得到一个四步编译器。 这是《新黑客字典》的说法。 另一种更学术化的说法是: > 任何组织在设计一套系统(广义概念上的系统)时,所交付的设计方案在结构上都与该组织的沟通架构保持一致。 如果一个系统很大,以至于开发的它的人分...
评分职业目标是架构师, 专注方向是分布式和微服务. 把这两点确定后, 微服务设计是我看的第一本关于微服务的书. 春节在家囫囵吞枣的刷了一半, 这两天回公司, 周末把它看完了, 算是对微服务有了一个概念性的了解吧. 这本书主要对微服务的定义, 服务架构演化, 服务建模, 服务的集成,...
评分当PaaS(Platform as a service)已不是什么新鲜名词的时代,我们每天面对这各种各样的新兴技术名词,哪怕作为一名所谓的业内人士,我已然清晰地记得当2017年初的某个初晨,工位隔壁的同事兴奋地对我说“Hi,Bill 听说北京团队开始做FaaS了”时自己的一脸懵逼,心里暗想什么是F...
评分1. 这本书全面系统的介绍了实践微服务的方方面面,包括构建、集成、分解、部署、测试、安全等; 2. 这本书虽然包含了一些实例,但是更多的是方法论,虽然有些人觉得这样有点泛泛而谈,但是我感觉现在微服务的实践已经非常多,而这本书站在一个更高的高度上让我们系统地认识到微...
图书标签: 架构 微服务 分布式 计算机 分布式系统 系统架构 软件工程 编程
Over the past 10 years, distributed systems have become more fine-grained. From the large multi-million line long monolithic applications, we are now seeing the benefits of smaller self-contained services. Heavy-weight, hard to change Service Oriented Architectures are not the answer; instead we are now seeing finer-grained systems consisting of collaborating microservices. Easier to change, deploy, and if required retire, organizations which are in the right position to take advantage of them are yielding significant benefits.
This book takes an holistic view of the things you need to be cognizant of in order to pull this off. It covers just enough understanding of technology, architecture, operations and organization to show you how to move towards finer-grained systems.
评分典型ThoughtWorks的风格, 都是扯淡的废话, 浪费时间.
评分没事多翻翻 不至于迷失在operational overhead中 对底层人员的指导意义更在于理解为什么要这么做以及理想的情况该是怎样 但是在公司范围内没有统一标准的情况下 很多decision making就变成了based on个人意愿的所谓best practice而不是铁打铁金科玉律 难
Building Microservices 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书