雷夫•艾斯奎斯(Rafe Espuith),1981年畢業於加州大學洛杉磯分校,現為美國洛杉磯市霍巴特小學的五年級教師。艾斯奎斯從教20多年,獲得眾多國內外大奬,其中包括美國“總統國傢藝術奬”、1992年“全美最佳教師奬”、1997年美國著名親子雜誌《父母》雜誌年度“成長奬”、美國媒體天後歐普拉的“善待生命奬”、並獲英國女王頒發的不列顛帝國勛章(M.B.E)等。他把奬金捐給瞭所在學校和學生,並成立瞭“霍巴特莎士比亞”慈善基金。
From one of America’s most celebrated educators, an inspiring guide to transforming every child’s education
In a Los Angeles neighborhood plagued by guns, gangs, and drugs, there is an exceptional classroom known as Room 56. The fifth graders inside are first-generation immigrants who live in poverty and speak English as a second language. They also play Vivaldi, perform Shakespeare, score in the top 1 percent on standardized tests, and go on to attend Ivy League universities. Rafe Esquith is the teacher responsible for these accomplishments. From the man whom The New York Times calls "a genius and a saint" comes a revelatory program for educating today’s youth. In Teach Like Your Hair’s on Fire! , Rafe Esquith reveals the techniques that have made him one of the most acclaimed educators of our time. The two mottoes in Esquith’s classroom are "Be Nice, Work Hard," and "There Are No Shortcuts." His students voluntarily come to school at 6:30 in the morning and work until 5:00 in the afternoon. They learn to handle money responsibly, tackle algebra, and travel the country to study history. They pair Hamlet with rock and roll, and read the American classics. Teach Like Your Hair’s on Fire! is a brilliant and inspiring road map for parents, teachers, and anyone who cares about the future success of our nation’s children.
Teach Like Your Hair's on Fire 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載
評分瘋狂的教室 ——美國傳奇教師 這是一本很奇特的書。 整本書我於昨晚讀完瞭。 說實話,我很感動於作者的一點一滴、他的思想、他的一言一行。 有很多,我自己做得沒有他那麼好。 或許你以為這是一本寫給班主任的圖書,或者是寫給傢長們的,不過,我想,這本書的最適閤讀者,應...
評分 評分教育是什麼?從孔夫子到誇美紐斯,從蘇格拉底到杜威,從盧梭到蘇霍姆林斯基,從頭頂光環的大教育傢到平凡如蟻的普通百姓,每個人在一生中都會或多或少去思考這個問題。可是,隨著曆史的車輪滾到瞭後信息時代,本來也應該越來越完善的教育卻讓每一個人都越來越焦慮,無論是...
圖書標籤: 教育 英文原版 teaching 育人育己 parenting 育兒 非虛構 育人育己(教育心理自我管理)
I wish I could have lived in room 56. source: dang dang browse. end in Dec 10, 2010 preparing for xmas tree decoration.
評分I wish I could have lived in room 56. source: dang dang browse. end in Dec 10, 2010 preparing for xmas tree decoration.
評分Good example of class teacher. Methods from English learning to trip planning are available in this book. However, it really takes time to reach Room 56
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