Pieter Hintjens started his first business making video games 30 yearsago and has been building software products since then. Taking as hisprinciple, "the real physics of software is the physics of people", hefocuses now on building communities through "Social Architecture",writing, and helping others use ZeroMQ profitably.
For two years he was president of the FFII, a large NGO fightingsoftware patents. He was CEO of Wikidot, founder of the EuropeanPatent Conference, and founder of the Digital Standards Organization.
Pieter speaks English, French, Dutch, and bits and pieces of a dozenother languages. He plays with a West African drum group in Brusselsand is becoming a licensed NRA pistol instructor in Texas. Pieterlives with his beautiful wife and three lovely children in Brussels,Belgium and travels extensively.
Dive into ØMQ (aka ZeroMQ), the smart socket library that gives you fast, easy, message-based concurrency for your applications. With this quick-paced guide, you’ll learn hands-on how to use this scalable, lightweight, and highly flexible networking tool for exchanging messages among clusters, the cloud, and other multi-system environments.
ØMQ maintainer Pieter Hintjens takes you on a tour of real-world applications, using extended examples in C to help you work with ØMQ’s API, sockets, and patterns. Learn how to use specific ØMQ programming techniques, build multithreaded applications, and create your own messaging architectures. You’ll discover how ØMQ works with several programming languages and most operating systems—with little or no cost.
Learn ØMQ’s main patterns: request-reply, publish-subscribe, and pipeline
Work with ØMQ sockets and patterns by building several small applications
Explore advanced uses of ØMQ’s request-reply pattern through working examples
Build reliable request-reply patterns that keep working when code or hardware fails
Extend ØMQ’s core pub-sub patterns for performance, reliability, state distribution, and monitoring
Learn techniques for building a distributed architecture with ØMQ
Discover what’s required to build a general-purpose framework for distributed applications
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當時買的時候,看瞭一下英文原版的價格,確實挺貴的,但是買瞭後,放傢裏沒事的時候看看,確實還是不錯的。 對於消息中間件,或許目前自己項目場景更多是靠ActionMQ以及MetaQ,但是這並不妨礙我或者同事去瞭解。
評分很大一部分是這裏的的翻譯 http://zguide.zeromq.org/page:all 個人感覺中文翻譯太生硬,看著好纍,有些機器翻譯的味道。字裏行間可以看齣譯者應該是沒有深厚的ZeroMQ實踐經驗,隻是照搬網文,語句之間跳轉突然,不夠流暢。鑒於中文版的資料太少,勉強收下。
評分簡明扼要得說吧,我這是在評ZeroMQ,不是在評這本書,這本書沒什麼好評價的,ZeroMQ的權威資料很少,齣來官網的Guide之外就是這本動物園齣版的書瞭,你稍微用心讀一下官網的前言就知道,這書的作者就是ZeroMQ的設計師瞭。 然後,輪到評價該書本身的價值瞭,該書本身的價值在於...
評分當時買的時候,看瞭一下英文原版的價格,確實挺貴的,但是買瞭後,放傢裏沒事的時候看看,確實還是不錯的。 對於消息中間件,或許目前自己項目場景更多是靠ActionMQ以及MetaQ,但是這並不妨礙我或者同事去瞭解。
評分簡明扼要得說吧,我這是在評ZeroMQ,不是在評這本書,這本書沒什麼好評價的,ZeroMQ的權威資料很少,齣來官網的Guide之外就是這本動物園齣版的書瞭,你稍微用心讀一下官網的前言就知道,這書的作者就是ZeroMQ的設計師瞭。 然後,輪到評價該書本身的價值瞭,該書本身的價值在於...
圖書標籤: ZeroMQ 消息隊列 網絡編程 計算機 C++ MQ 編程 Programming
應該就是官網的書,不過這個是c語言版本 即使是用其他如python綁定的API,也建議讀此原理性介紹的書,而不是隻讀API的文檔。講解瞭zmq的消息模式,也討論瞭程序設計、架構的一些模式。值得細讀。
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