Understanding UNIX/LINUX Programming 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书
Linux编程入门书,深入浅出、授人以渔、返璞归真、Linux编程必读 读此书不禁想起了Java入门书《Java编程思想》,都是经典啊 也是少数几本不舍得送人的好书之一,可惜多藏厚亡,越想得到的,越容易失去,此书日前不幸离我而去,纪之。
评分linux编程入门首推! 讲述方式特别,完全不是塞给你东西,而是手把手的教你方法,如果按书中的操作,可以学到很多linux编程解决问题的思路、方法。 和APUE的细致全面不同,这本书概念、函数讲述较少(但也足够理解,继续学习),看完它再看APUE应该有更好的收获。
评分很多图片 很好的解释了unix系统很多晦涩的概念 尽管纸张还是上个世纪的质量,排版也有些错误,但是瑕不掩瑜 完全突破性的编程教程 授人以渔 比见过任何一本linux系统编程参考书都好
评分图书标签: Linux programming 计算机 Unix 编程 Linux/Unix 编程语言 uinx/linux
For courses in Unix Systems Programming, Unix System Administration, and as a supplemental text for courses in Advanced Networks and Systems Programming. This readable and comprehensive text clearly explains Unix programming and structure by addressing the solid fundamentals of Unix and providing different solutions to problems. All ideas and principles are introduced in the context of a practical problem, and excellent use is made of illustrations and listings in the text. Projects are solved by the development of complete programs, which are clearly commented on and integrated with explanations in the text.
what does it do->how does it work->let's write our own version。讲得也很清楚
评分what does it do->how does it work->let's write our own version。讲得也很清楚
评分what does it do->how does it work->let's write our own version。讲得也很清楚
Understanding UNIX/LINUX Programming 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书