Sheldon Axler is Dean of the College of Science & Engineering at San Francisco State University. He has authored many well-received books including Precalculus: A Prelude to Calculus, Algebra & Trigonometry, College Algebra, A Glimpse at Hilbert Space Operators, Harmonic Function Theory, and Holomorphic Spaces.
Linear Algebra Done Right (3rd ed) 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书
现在回头看,其实就是早先国内教法僵化,赶不上时代了,这本书又恰巧被引进过来,所以显得弥足珍贵。 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 给大学新生上的线性代数和高等数学课,也许是为了侧重灌输实用知识,教给学生的更多是一堆眼花缭乱的...
评分昨晚终于看完,终于在最后一章几乎最后一节见到了我们熟悉的行列式…… 全书不是用国内的那种行列式,矩阵的方法来说明线性空间和线性代数。 证明过程也都很简洁优美,不需要传统的矩阵式的证明。 里面有些符号和国内的标准有些不同……不过侧边栏的一些小知识很有意思
评分截止今天终于把这本书看完了。首先说一下我的 看书历程 ,去年看到了第3章大约第二节就放弃了,今年重新把它捡了起来一共花了两个月的多的时间才看完。期间每天花好几个小时看书、做课后的习题(除了中间好几次出去游玩),最后三章的课后习题包括前几章个别当时没做出来的习题...
评分好久好久没有写书评了(到现在也只写过一次而已),趁某位大神复活全法也跟着一起复活的时候写点东西,那就写这本黄皮旧旧旅行杀人必带的书吧。 首先说来惭愧,第8、9和10章到现在还没有完全看完,第7章也没有很仔细地看,第4章也大约跳过去了,但这本书最最精彩的1~3可是反...
图书标签: 数学 线性代数 Linear_Algebra Mathematics Algebra 教材 英文原版 Math
New edition extensively revised and updated
Covers new topics such as product spaces, quotient spaces, and dual spaces
Features new visually appealing format for both print and electronic versions
Includes almost three times the number of exercises as the previous edition
This best-selling textbook for a second course in linear algebra is aimed at undergrad math majors and graduate students. The novel approach taken here banishes determinants to the end of the book. The text focuses on the central goal of linear algebra: understanding the structure of linear operators on finite-dimensional vector spaces. The author has taken unusual care to motivate concepts and to simplify proofs. A variety of interesting exercises in each chapter helps students understand and manipulate the objects of linear algebra.
The third edition contains major improvements and revisions throughout the book. More than 300 new exercises have been added since the previous edition. Many new examples have been added to illustrate the key ideas of linear algebra. New topics covered in the book include product spaces, quotient spaces, and dual spaces. Beautiful new formatting creates pages with an unusually pleasant appearance in both print and electronic versions.
No prerequisites are assumed other than the usual demand for suitable mathematical maturity. Thus the text starts by discussing vector spaces, linear independence, span, basis, and dimension. The book then deals with linear maps, eigenvalues, and eigenvectors. Inner-product spaces are introduced, leading to the finite-dimensional spectral theorem and its consequences. Generalized eigenvectors are then used to provide insight into the structure of a linear operator.
From reviews of previous editions:
“… a didactic masterpiece”
—Zentralblatt MATH
“… a tour de force in the service of simplicity and clarity … The most original linear algebra book to appear in years, it certainly belongs in every undergraduate library.”
The determinant-free proofs are elegant and intuitive.
—American Mathematical Monthly
“Clarity through examples is emphasized … the text is ideal for class exercises … I congratulate the author and the publisher for a well-produced textbook on linear algebra.”
—Mathematical Reviews
评分慕名而来,看了后认为这本书不适合工科生看,而是专门给数学系的学生看得。 书的内容结构是从最基本定义、概念开始,通过一步一步的逻辑推理产生各个定理和线性代数一系列的性质,有点类似于几何原本的叙述结构。 对于数学极差的我来说,前7章还算可以勉强看的懂,后面几章大量符号、概念、定理都揉杂在一起(这些应该是这本书的高潮)就基本蒙了,也就导致自己匆匆略过了,也没有耐心看下去了
Linear Algebra Done Right (3rd ed) 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书