Sheldon Axler is Dean of the College of Science & Engineering at San Francisco State University. He has authored many well-received books including Precalculus: A Prelude to Calculus, Algebra & Trigonometry, College Algebra, A Glimpse at Hilbert Space Operators, Harmonic Function Theory, and Holomorphic Spaces.
New edition extensively revised and updated
Covers new topics such as product spaces, quotient spaces, and dual spaces
Features new visually appealing format for both print and electronic versions
Includes almost three times the number of exercises as the previous edition
This best-selling textbook for a second course in linear algebra is aimed at undergrad math majors and graduate students. The novel approach taken here banishes determinants to the end of the book. The text focuses on the central goal of linear algebra: understanding the structure of linear operators on finite-dimensional vector spaces. The author has taken unusual care to motivate concepts and to simplify proofs. A variety of interesting exercises in each chapter helps students understand and manipulate the objects of linear algebra.
The third edition contains major improvements and revisions throughout the book. More than 300 new exercises have been added since the previous edition. Many new examples have been added to illustrate the key ideas of linear algebra. New topics covered in the book include product spaces, quotient spaces, and dual spaces. Beautiful new formatting creates pages with an unusually pleasant appearance in both print and electronic versions.
No prerequisites are assumed other than the usual demand for suitable mathematical maturity. Thus the text starts by discussing vector spaces, linear independence, span, basis, and dimension. The book then deals with linear maps, eigenvalues, and eigenvectors. Inner-product spaces are introduced, leading to the finite-dimensional spectral theorem and its consequences. Generalized eigenvectors are then used to provide insight into the structure of a linear operator.
From reviews of previous editions:
“… a didactic masterpiece”
—Zentralblatt MATH
“… a tour de force in the service of simplicity and clarity … The most original linear algebra book to appear in years, it certainly belongs in every undergraduate library.”
The determinant-free proofs are elegant and intuitive.
—American Mathematical Monthly
“Clarity through examples is emphasized … the text is ideal for class exercises … I congratulate the author and the publisher for a well-produced textbook on linear algebra.”
—Mathematical Reviews
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昨晚終於看完,終於在最後一章幾乎最後一節見到瞭我們熟悉的行列式…… 全書不是用國內的那種行列式,矩陣的方法來說明綫性空間和綫性代數。 證明過程也都很簡潔優美,不需要傳統的矩陣式的證明。 裏麵有些符號和國內的標準有些不同……不過側邊欄的一些小知識很有意思
評分說起代數,我真是百感交集。 高等代數和數學分析基本上就是我大學四年以數學為專業的基礎和全部。然而在大一的時候,我喜歡代數遠遠多過數分。代數可謂是一種帶我抽象認識世界的一種方式。 而現在,我翻開這本廣為人稱道的綫性代數教材,想復習以前不熟悉的特徵值和特徵嚮量...
評分畢業已有許多年,此次因為某些原因,重拾綫性代數,有幸讀到這本書。 本書強調本質和動機,從另外一個角度詮釋瞭綫性代數,讀過之後不但知其然,更加知其所以然。一般的書中隻會教你如何把矩陣化成上三角陣,而這本書則會告訴你上三角陣的真正含義是什麼。雖然矩陣與行列式是被...
評分好久好久沒有寫書評瞭(到現在也隻寫過一次而已),趁某位大神復活全法也跟著一起復活的時候寫點東西,那就寫這本黃皮舊舊旅行殺人必帶的書吧。 首先說來慚愧,第8、9和10章到現在還沒有完全看完,第7章也沒有很仔細地看,第4章也大約跳過去瞭,但這本書最最精彩的1~3可是反...
圖書標籤: 數學 綫性代數 Linear_Algebra Mathematics Algebra 教材 英文原版 Math
真的是越學越覺得Axler這本問題大,正文材料太簡單然後練習題的難度又完全不相稱。所謂的一開始就從抽象概念(Linear map)而不是傳統的Matirx講起確實是不錯,不過因為各個材料平均施力完全看不齣重點可以說是最大的敗筆。強烈不建議隻看這本,如果想學好Lin alg應該再加那本fin dim vector spaces, 對dual, spectrum theorem, Jordan form還有matrix的理解會好很多。
評分真的是越學越覺得Axler這本問題大,正文材料太簡單然後練習題的難度又完全不相稱。所謂的一開始就從抽象概念(Linear map)而不是傳統的Matirx講起確實是不錯,不過因為各個材料平均施力完全看不齣重點可以說是最大的敗筆。強烈不建議隻看這本,如果想學好Lin alg應該再加那本fin dim vector spaces, 對dual, spectrum theorem, Jordan form還有matrix的理解會好很多。
評分好多人打三星的理由都是這本書不適閤初學者學...但是這個不是從目錄就看得齣來嗎 跳過傳統教材中的矩陣/行列式直接從綫性空間/映射的角度入手我覺得對於後麵進階內容的學習很有幫助啊 況且大部分的綫代教材不太會講quotient space, duality, spectral theorem之類的吧 正如某位網友評論所道 “用泛函分析降維攻擊綫性代數” 這本書如果拿來第二遍復習鞏固的話會發現整個體係非常漂亮
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