譯者 濮麗雅
Every Sunday, readers of The New York Times Book Review turn with anticipation to see which novelist, historian, short story writer, or artist will be the subject of the popular By the Book feature. These wide-ranging interviews are conducted by Pamela Paul, the editor of the Book Review, and here she brings together sixty-five of the most intriguing and fascinating exchanges, featuring personalities as varied as David Sedaris, Hilary Mantel, Michael Chabon, Khaled Hosseini, Anne Lamott, and James Patterson. The questions and answers admit us into the private worlds of these authors, as they reflect on their work habits, reading preferences, inspirations, pet peeves, and recommendations.
By the Book contains the full uncut interviews, offering a range of experiences and observations that deepens readers' understanding of the literary sensibility and the writing process. It also features dozens of sidebars that reveal the commonalities and conflicts among the participants, underscoring those influences that are truly universal and those that remain matters of individual taste.
For the devoted reader, By the Book is a way to invite sixty-five of the most interesting guests into your world. It's a book party not to be missed.
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一位意大利的讀者寫信來,告訴我他和妻子是如何相遇的。她在巴士上讀我的一本書,而他恰巧剛剛讀過。他們聊瞭起來,然後開始約會。現在,他們已經有三個孩子瞭。我忍不住想象,多少人的齣生是緣於自己父母對書的熱愛。 ——麥剋尤恩 (一)較大的“樣本庫” 帕梅拉·保羅說,在...
評分記下瞭大牌們的幾本推薦書,稍後會關注一下。順便用訪談的問題,訪談一下自己。 你的床頭櫃上放著什麼書? 我的床頭櫃上基本不會放書,我的閱讀習慣睡覺前,坐在客廳的沙發上或坐在餐椅上閱讀一本書。剛閱讀完《枕邊書》,一邊還在閱讀英文版的《荊棘鳥》,還有和工作相關的一...
評分必須承認在看這本書前,我還是單純的想著把它當作采訪來看的,單純滿足一下自己的偷窺欲就好瞭。結果讀完瞭第一個采訪,我就開始找紙和筆瞭。 (他說的是什麼書?《包皮的挽歌》...天啊,這書名好有意思...等等,這個包皮是那個包皮嗎?....晚上得順便檢查一下孩子的小丁丁>...
評分 評分文/舒念 Q1:你目前在讀什麼書?你是那種一次隻讀一本書的人嗎? 我在讀的書通常都很多,多時候在四五本左右,少的時候也有兩三本常常翻起的書,我很難專注地一次性讀完一本書,除非是有什麼限時的任務,否則我更喜歡選擇幾種不同類型的書一起閱讀,我覺得這不僅不會降低我的閱...
圖書標籤: 文學 Literature 非虛構 NYT NLB Books-About-Books non-fiction Reading
light reading
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