Eula Biss is the author of Notes from No Man's Land, winner of the National Book Critics Circle Award for criticism, and The Balloonists. Her essays have appeared in the Believer and Harper's Magazine. She teaches at Northwestern University and lives in Chicago, Illinois.
Why do we fear vaccines? A provocative examination by Eula Biss, the author of Notes from No Man’s Land, winner of the National Book Critics Circle Award
Upon becoming a new mother, Eula Biss addresses a chronic condition of fear—fear of the government, the medical establishment, and what is in your child’s air, food, mattress, medicine, and vaccines. She finds that you cannot immunize your child, or yourself, from the world.
In this bold, fascinating book, Biss investigates the metaphors and myths surrounding our conception of immunity and its implications for the individual and the social body. As she hears more and more fears about vaccines, Biss researches what they mean for her own child, her immediate community, America, and the world, both historically and in the present moment. She extends a conversation with other mothers to meditations on Voltaire’s Candide, Bram Stoker’s Dracula, Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring, Susan Sontag’s AIDS and Its Metaphors, and beyond. On Immunity is a moving account of how we are all interconnected—our bodies and our fates.
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這本書我感覺一般,整本書都很散,作者圍繞疫苗,免疫這方麵,從生活很多小事齣發寫的碎片式的感想。但因為整本書就是以一個母親對孩子是否需要接種疫苗的疑問作為齣發點的,所以從生活中對孩子擔憂的各個方麵來分析、看待免疫這件事也是吸引人的一個角度吧。 但單從一個希望獲...
評分齣差一個禮拜,沒有跟爸媽通過電話。今天迴到辦公室,看到桌上堆著五本《免疫》的樣書。這是齣差前一直在編輯的、最上心的書。 突然想起小時候跟爸媽間的兩件事。 第一件事發生時,我剛剛記事,印象很淺,詳細的來龍去脈都是後來媽媽講給我聽的。當時我體質不佳,但那個年月,...
評分讀這本的書的機緣巧閤,是朋友和我商量要不要去注射HPV疫苗,在那之後我又問瞭很多人對疫苗的看法,大傢的態度一半是謹慎小心,另一半是全盤接受。於是我打算看看這本書,這本書並沒有難懂的醫學術語,格局開闊,讀的時候發現瞭很多之前沒有想到或者置若罔聞的觀點。 疾病的傳...
評分電影《僵屍世界大戰》中的病毒恐怖,讓人窒息,最後人類通過接種疫苗纔擺脫死亡危機。《免疫》這是討論人類關於成長中接種疫苗的故事,請信任它們,它們會為我們帶來健康,對病菌免疫。 作者尤拉•比斯,執教於美國西北大學。本書主要講述關於免疫、接種的産生、發展的過程...
評分這本書的故事是從一個年輕媽媽的親身經曆開始的,這個開頭非常抓人。 當一個新生兒初到這個世界時,為人父母者真的是充滿期待且又很焦慮。嬰兒將不得不麵對種種危險,我們社會中存在的各種不安全的因素在孩子這裏就更加險惡。同時,為人父母者得幫孩子去做各種重大選擇,責任相...
圖書標籤: 疫苗 英文原版 NYtimes 2015 馬剋推薦 科普 隨筆 英文
not worth the time, at all
評分not worth the time, at all
評分not a well-structured book, bits of useful information here and there, entangled with emotionnal recounts of early motherhood
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