Allen Eskens
作為有20多年工作經驗的辯護律師,作者將親身經曆的眾多駭人聽聞的懸案融會貫通,寫齣瞭一係列犯罪懸疑佳作,如《我們掩埋的人生》 《另一個幌子》 《天堂可能墜落》等,並憑藉《我們掩埋的人生》成功躋身美國一流暢銷書作傢行列。
College student Joe Talbert has the modest goal of completing a writing assignment for an English class. His task is to interview a stranger and write a brief biography of the person. With deadlines looming, Joe heads to a nearby nursing home to find a willing subject. There he meets Carl Iverson, and soon nothing in Joe's life is ever the same.
Iverson is a dying Vietnam veteran--and a convicted murderer. With only a few months to live, he has been medically paroled to a nursing home, after spending thirty years in prison for the crimes of rape and murder.
As Joe writes about Carl's life, especially Carl's valor in Vietnam, he cannot reconcile the heroism of the soldier with the despicable acts of the convict. Joe, along with his skeptical female neighbor, throws himself into uncovering the truth, but he is hamstrung in his efforts by having to deal with his dangerously dysfunctional mother, the guilt of leaving his autistic brother vulnerable, and a haunting childhood memory.
Thread by thread, Joe unravels the tapestry of Carl’s conviction. But as he and Lila dig deeper into the circumstances of the crime, the stakes grow higher. Will Joe discover the truth before it’s too late to escape the fallout?
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評分看著封麵,紅色的人臉,沒有具體的輪廓,微笑的唇形,已經預示著這個故事的背後沒有那麼簡單,真凶也一直隱藏在幕後。而書名“我們掩埋的人生”,從上往下的黃色漸變,也在紅色的映襯下更加顯著,或許這代錶著被掩埋的真相在一點點的揭開。 兩個主角:大學生喬和殺人犯卡爾(越...
評分 評分 評分多年前有一部劇名叫《大雪無痕》,講的是一位看起來非常紳士儒雅的市長捲進瞭一件驚天的腐敗與殺人案中,強烈地衝擊瞭很多人的內心,讓很多觀眾直到今天仍然對人性的復雜心有餘悸。如它的劇名錶達的那般,整部劇貫穿瞭一場場漫天的大雪,男主人公以他儒雅的外錶、隱秘的手段欺...
圖書標籤: Fiction 小說 ★ FICTION AllenEskens AUDIOBOOK 國外暢銷 ミステリ・SF・ファンタジー・ホラー
行文很流暢,情節扣人心弦,所以我這個許久沒看過英文書的人也能堅持把它看完。不過,最後那一段drama真的很受不瞭啊,明明水落石齣馬上大結局瞭,結果為瞭安排一個刺激橋段,有多少時間也不可以給警察叔叔打電話啦,非要馬上傢裏齣事瞭,要罪犯神速找到住址抓走女友啦,不就是一個電話的事嗎?!!!明知道結局肯定是大圓滿的,還要安排這個段落,如果不是馬上就結局真是看不下去瞭…… 如其他人說的,too predictable, 最後的drama是為瞭drama而drama。 但文筆還是挺好的~超順暢~
評分很好讀 還挺緊湊
評分作為一本消磨時間的小說還是很稱職的,但是結尾太過drama…不知道是不是因為悲劇會更讓人難忘,而happy ending卻總有不真實的感覺。
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