'I encourage all of us, whatever our beliefs, to question the basic narratives of our world, to connect past developments with present concerns, and not to be afraid of controversial issues.' Dr Yuval Noah Harari has a PhD in History from the University of Oxford and now lectures at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, specialising in World History. His research focuses on broad questions, such as: What is the relation between history and biology? Is there justice in history? Did people become happier as history unfolded? 65,000 people have signed up to his online course, A Brief History of Humankind. Sapiens is an international bestseller and is being published in more than 30 languages worldwide. In 2012 Harari was awarded the annual Polonsky Prize for Creativity and Originality in the Humanistic Disciplines.
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文/曼佳 最近一直被人推荐《人类简史》这本书,一个70后的以色列历史学家写的风靡全球的著作。全书讲的是人类的故事,从历史又是从哲学的角度,讲述人从生物学的起源是什么样的,从宇宙的哪里来,要到未来的哪里去的故事,这样的书,是要很安静的环境和很安静的心才能好好读完...
评分 评分《人类简史》已经不算是一本新书了,我也早早就买下,但却读不下去,当时我根本就懒得谈这本书,因为写得非常一般。让我纳闷的是,这本书在坊间的评价极高,和我的观感大相径庭,当时也没太当回事,也许我水平高呢。直到前些日子,万维刚在他的专栏力捧这本书。万维刚是我的偶...
图书标签: 历史 人类学 history 英文原版 英语 科普 社会学/人类学 社会学
This is The Sunday Times Bestseller. Planet Earth is 4.5 billion years old. In just a fraction of that time, one species among countless others has conquered it. Us. We are the most advanced and most destructive animals ever to have lived. What makes us brilliant? What makes us deadly? What makes us Sapiens? In this bold and provocative book, Yuval Noah Harari explores who we are, how we got here and where we're going. Sapiens is a thrilling account of humankind's extraordinary history - from the Stone Age to the Silicon Age - and our journey from insignificant apes to rulers of the world. "It tackles the biggest questions of history and of the modern world, and it is written in unforgettably vivid language. You will love it!" (Jared Diamond, author of Guns, Germs and Steel).
评分前19章充满洞见,几乎每一章都很有趣,都很让人启发。但最后一张关于人类未来的描述很倒胃口,让人很不舒服。无论如何,这本书让我重拾了自读 Guns, Germs and Streels 以来的惊喜,甚至超越了我原以为无法超越的后者!"Is there anything more dangerous than dissatisfied and irresponsible gods who don't know what they want?"
评分非常有洞见有信息量(aka很啰嗦)的书 很多全新的角度打开智人的历史,很多观点还待慢慢消化 最后一章人类远景看得我心惊肉跳是我infer了吗 以及作者语言一流要学习一个
Sapiens 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书