Nick Sousanis is a comics artist and an educator. He is a Postdoctoral Fellow in Comics Studies at the University of Calgary.
The primacy of words over images has deep roots in Western culture. But what if the two are inextricably linked, equal partners in meaning-making? Written and drawn entirely as comics, Unflattening is an experiment in visual thinking. Nick Sousanis defies conventional forms of scholarly discourse to offer readers both a stunning work of graphic art and a serious inquiry into the ways humans construct knowledge.
Unflattening is an insurrection against the fixed viewpoint. Weaving together diverse ways of seeing drawn from science, philosophy, art, literature, and mythology, it uses the collage-like capacity of comics to show that perception is always an active process of incorporating and reevaluating different vantage points. While its vibrant, constantly morphing images occasionally serve as illustrations of text, they more often connect in nonlinear fashion to other visual references throughout the book. They become allusions, allegories, and motifs, pitting realism against abstraction and making us aware that more meets the eye than is presented on the page.
In its graphic innovations and restless shape-shifting, Unflattening is meant to counteract the type of narrow, rigid thinking that Sousanis calls “flatness.” Just as the two-dimensional inhabitants of Edwin A. Abbott’s novella Flatland could not fathom the concept of “upwards,” Sousanis says, we are often unable to see past the boundaries of our current frame of mind. Fusing words and images to produce new forms of knowledge, Unflattening teaches us how to access modes of understanding beyond what we normally apprehend.
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芝加哥哥倫比亞學院哲學教授斯蒂芬·阿斯瑪,為這本關於漫畫的漫畫、探討圖像與文字關係的圖像小說《非平麵》 畫 瞭 一 篇 漫 畫 書 評 …… 2016年德·沃德“年度圖像小說奬”的頒奬詞: 評審團認為,《非平麵》是一部關於漫畫、藝術和視覺思維的圖像小說,有創意,有層次,...
評分非平麵是一本奇怪的書,因為這本書其實就是非平麵的。 如果你把它當作論文來看,漫畫會拉低刻闆印象中論文的層次,畢竟學術的嚴謹性,知識呈現的廣袤無際,求真求實求創新纔是大多數人們認為論文應該追逐的,顯然漫畫之於論文是格格不入的體現。如果你把它當作一本漫畫來看,那...
評分非平麵是一本奇怪的書,因為這本書其實就是非平麵的。 如果你把它當作論文來看,漫畫會拉低刻闆印象中論文的層次,畢竟學術的嚴謹性,知識呈現的廣袤無際,求真求實求創新纔是大多數人們認為論文應該追逐的,顯然漫畫之於論文是格格不入的體現。如果你把它當作一本漫畫來看,那...
評分 評分1、作為一部比較少見、新穎的用漫畫呈現的博士論文(據稱是哥倫比亞大學首部漫畫論文),作者技巧牛逼,將各式思想視覺化的能力可謂信手拈來,甚至超過瞭他的學術寫作能力 2、但可能正是因為形式大於內容,作為學術論文它甚至不如混大李善友講【第一性原理】和【非連續性】的係...
圖書標籤: 漫畫 哲學 文學理論 comics 圖像小說 視覺 文化研究 歐美漫畫
maybe inspiring
評分形式大於內容,讀完有小小的啓發,但沒有醍醐灌頂之感。 會有很多人覺得這本書很酷吧,但形式新穎與反類型不能成為內容單薄的理由,就像影評人大多不喜歡愛死機,因為愛死機隻有好點子,每部電影在概念階段都有成堆的好點子,但怎麼把好點子拓展到兩個小時的電影裏是很難的,拍個十幾分鍾的片子是一種相對來說更簡單更討巧的做法,觀眾卻把它捧為神作瞭。 本書基本圍繞著人的感知方式來論述,對抗我們慣常的感知和思維模式,但這其實是一個基本的哲學問題:我們透過眼睛看到的世界是否是真實的世界?相關的討論已經數不勝數,書裏展示的東西沒能引起我的興趣。我甚至對那種一堆人在工廠流水綫上批量加工的畫麵都已經厭煩瞭,全書居然還齣現瞭好幾次。
評分中文評價比英文版高齣好多是什麼鬼?憑心而論畫得還是很不錯的,文字功夫差瞭一大截而且結構安排有問題。但我還是很喜歡它提齣的imagination above the three-dimensional.
評分ch1: flatness 枯燥令人窒息的現實. 漫畫不吸引我. 還是 M.C.Escher的畫作讓我入迷:
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