大衛.鄧肯(Dave Duncan)
生於蘇格蘭。與妻子珍娜於1969年結婚,育有一兒兩女,目前定居於維多利亞州。在投入寫作前,他曾經是一位地質學者。自從發現幻想的世界可以滿足許多現實世界無法成就的願望時,他便全心投入寫作的領域,截止目前為止,作品已經超作30本,其中大部分是奇幻作品,但他也寫一些青少年、科幻、歷史等創作。代錶作為《第七之劍》(The Seventh Sword),除獲獎外更被視為「劍與魔法」類型小說的經典作品。另外還有《線》(Strings)、《英雄》(Hero)、《言齣必行之人》(A Man of His Word)三部麯、《一群人》(A Handful of Men)以及廣受好評的奇幻三部麯《大競局》(The Great Game)。
As unwanted and rebellious boys, they find refuge in Ironhall....Years later they emerge as the finest swordsmen in the realm--A magical ritual of a sword through the heart binds each to his ward--if not the king himself, then to whomever else the monarch designates--with absolute loyalty.And the greatest Blade of them all was--and is--Sir Durendal. But a lifelong dream of protecting his beloved liege from enemies, traitors, and monsters is dashed to bits when Durendal is bonded till death to an effete noble fop at his king's orders. Yet Destiny has many strange and inscrutable plans for the young knight--for a mission, a contest, and, perhaps, a treasure await him in a faraway land. But he soon finds himself enmeshed in treason and foul intrigues, compelled to betray the king he had hoped to serve. The Blades have ways to protect their own, but death and madness haunt the path to salvation--and few ever return unscathed. As unwanted and rebellious boys, they find refuge in Ironhall....Years later they emerge as the finest swordsmen in the realm--A magical ritual of a sword through the heart binds each to his ward--if not the king himself, then to whomever else the monarch designates--with absolute loyalty. And the greatest Blade of them all was--and is--Sir Durendal. But a lifelong dream of protcting his beloved liege from enemies, traitors, and monsters is dashed to bits when Durendal is bonded till death to an effete noble fop at his king's orders. Yet Destiny has many strange and inscrutable plans for the young knight--for a mission, a contest, and, perhaps, a treasure await him in a faraway land. But he soon finds himself enmeshed in treasonand foul intrigues, compelled to betray the king he had hoped to serve. The Blades have ways to protect their own, but death and madness haunt the path to salvation--and few ever return unscathed.
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被束縛的俠,更接近於中國俠字根源的那些各為其主、傾盡心力的刺客們。。。 隻是這些俠客終究被束縛著,缺瞭幾分遊俠兒的豪氣與義興。 而鍍金枷鎖的設定,既是“鍍”金,又是枷鎖,這是一個寓言,關於意誌與體製、忠義與自由
評分寫在最前邊,我覺得本篇有點武俠的味道,當然說是傳奇小說也不為過,說是武俠的原因並不是文中充斥瞭各種招數打鬥,而是同武俠的精神一樣,突齣忠義二字,中國的“俠”文化大緻也是如此吧,小子纔疏學淺,如有不同見解,請勿見怪。 其實我對所謂的國外“武俠”傾嚮的小說都有...
評分被束縛的俠,更接近於中國俠字根源的那些各為其主、傾盡心力的刺客們。。。 隻是這些俠客終究被束縛著,缺瞭幾分遊俠兒的豪氣與義興。 而鍍金枷鎖的設定,既是“鍍”金,又是枷鎖,這是一個寓言,關於意誌與體製、忠義與自由
評分老男人的迴憶錄,講述傳奇劍士的一生——點評《禦劍士傳奇1:鍍金鎖鏈》 文/韜子 每個人心目中都有著屬於自己的大俠。 這是一部毋庸置疑的好看的小說,待你讀完最後一個字時,心中依舊對那個傳奇老人的一生念念不忘,一直對沉浸在一種對過去輝煌...
評分圖書標籤: 奇幻 科幻世界譯文版 禦劍士 小說 DaveDuncan 美國 外國文學 加拿大
譯文版 09年02期
評分鍍金鎖鏈 2009.02
評分錚錚鐵骨 管他是否有意義,這是我們的生活,我們的信仰
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