Hal Foster is Townsend Martin Professor of Art and Archaeology at Princeton University and a 2014–15 fellow at the Cullman Center for S cholars and Writers at the New York Public Library. A co-editor of October magazine and books, he is the editor of The Anti-Aesthetic and the author of Design and Crime, Recording, The Return of the Real, Compulsive Beauty and The Art-Architecture Complex.
Bad New Days examines the evolution of art and criticism in Western Europe and North America over the last twenty-five years, exploring their dynamic relation to the general condition of emergency instilled by neoliberalism and the war on terror.
Considering the work of artists such as Thomas Hirschhorn, Tacita Dean, and Isa Genzken, and the writing of thinkers like Jacques Rancière, Bruno Latour, and Giorgio Agamben, Hal Foster shows the ways in which art has anticipated this condition, at times resisting the collapse of the social contract or gesturing toward its repair; at other times burlesquing it.
Against the claim that art making has become so heterogeneous as to defy historical analysis, Foster argues that the critic must still articulate a clear account of the contemporary in all its complexity. To that end, he offers several paradigms for the art of recent years, which he terms “abject,” “archival,” “mimetic,” and “precarious.”
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圖書標籤: 藝術理論 藝術 HalFoster 藝術史 英文版 英文 藝術批評 好東西
評分12.14-12.15 文筆佳,非常專業,非常具有問題意識,非常具有社會政治關心。雖然沒有看過談到的一些當代藝術傢的作品無法論喜好,但喜歡foster的批評,第一章關於拉康的gaze和image screen;第二章關於archival art(展現曆史的另一麵);第三章關於三個藝術傢用其裝置藝術mimetic後911美國社會和政治中的媚俗;第四章講藝術傢Thomas Hirschhorn藝術中的四個概念;第五章關於藝術批評的現狀;最後一章是performative art。
評分自己翻譯一遍,感覺老本夠吃10年在中國TT 中國的知識分子真的太懶瞭太懶瞭太懶瞭
評分自己翻譯一遍,感覺老本夠吃10年在中國TT 中國的知識分子真的太懶瞭太懶瞭太懶瞭
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