Tim Spector is Professor of Genetic Epidemiology at King's College London and Hon Consultant Physician at Guy's and St Thomas' Hospital. He has won several academic awards and published over 700 academic papers, a large proportion of which relate directly to nutrition and the causes of obesity. He has appeared in numerous TV documentaries and is often consulted in British and international media on his team's research. Since 2011 he has been leading the largest microbiome project in the UK, using genetic sequencing to study the bacteria in the guts of 5,000 twins. He is the lead investigator for BRITISH GUT, the UK's largest open-source science project to understand the microbial diversity of the human gut.
Watch Tim Spector talking for TED:
Identically Different: TEDxKingsCollegeLondon
Cleverly Connected: TEDxCheltenham
Follow him on Twitter: @timspector
'The Diet Myth is fascinating, and now I'm obsessed with microbes!' Nigella Lawson
We are all increasingly bewildered by the simple question of what to eat. Despite advice from experts, governments and dieticians about the dangers of too much fat, sugar, protein and lack of exercise, our nutrition - and the global obesity crisis - is getting worse.
Why can one person eat a certain meal and gain weight and another eat exactly the same food and lose pounds? Genes provide part of the answer, but we have been overlooking one vital aspect of diet that lies within us. Thanks to recent breakthroughs, scientists have begun to examine the permanent residents in our guts: the thousands of previously unknown but essential microbes whose job it is to digest our food and keep us alive.
Drawing on the latest science and his own research team's pioneering work, Professor Tim Spector explores the hidden world of the microbiome and demystifies the common misconceptions about fat, calories, vitamins and nutrients. Only by understanding how our own microbes interact with our bodies can we overcome our confusion about modern diets and nutrition to regain the correct balance of our ancestors.
Mixing cutting-edge discoveries, illuminating science and his own case studies, Spector shows why we should stop listening to the myths of diet fads and instead embrace diversity for a healthy gut and a healthy body.
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#飲食的迷思# 因為術後一個月裏隻能吃流食,可以吃的東西極其有限,我不得不花大量時間和精力思考以及嘗試如何在維持生命機能的同時盡可能地補充一些營養,於是對飲食和營養學産生瞭很大的興趣,這個時候發現瞭這本由英國遺傳學教授蒂姆寫的這本書《飲食的迷思》。 這本書很有...
評分以腸道微生物和核心進行講解,以控製變量法為論證手段(通常是用雙胞胎做實驗以排除基因影響)。前麵一大半都是講肥胖的原因,改變肥胖的方法手段那些是科學的哪些是不科學的並且加以論證,我對此很不感興趣基本掃瞭一眼然後拋之腦後,後邊學到的就有很多。 總體學到的經驗:胃...
評分1.基因與體內外的微生物決定瞭健康,身形等 2.飲食應當追求多樣化(食物鏈頂端人群),新鮮(少工業化,少添加,少防腐),簡單烹飪(適量接受生食) 3.一周可以追求一兩次的紅肉與魚肉,多吃各種各樣的蔬果,一定要新鮮,少農藥,少抗生素,不喝果汁,多全榖物 4.多酚,硒等抗...
評分原本是抱著尋求減肥妙招的心態看這本書的,但是看完後發現自己太拿衣物瞭,推翻瞭我之前很多的認知,覺得自己太自負瞭,以前可能通過一些方式瘦下來,就覺得是科學正確的方法,彆人瘦不下來就是意誌力不夠,而這恰恰和書裏的論點相反。總結幾點:1. 不要盲目相信營養學傢、網紅...
評分這本書作者寫的觀點很多與平時我們所接受到的訊息很不一樣,比如:間歇性斷食、關注吃的多樣性等等。從腸道微生物的角度,嚮我們展示瞭營養結構的韆變萬化——存在每個不同的個體,每個個體又有長年纍月不同的飲食習慣。所以要有一個總結性的關於營養的結論是很難的。 好在蒂姆...
圖書標籤: 健康 科普 飲食 英文書 營養學 英文原版 科學和心理學 生物學
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