Han Kang is the daughter of novelist Han Seung-won. She was born in Kwangju and at the age of 10, moved to Suyuri (which she speaks of affectionately in her work "Greek Lessons") in Seoul.
She studied Korean literature at Yonsei University. She began her writing career when one of her poems was featured in the winter issue of the quarterly Literature and Society. She made her official literary debut in the following year when her short story "The Scarlet Anchor" was the winning entry in the daily Seoul Shinmun spring literary contest.
Since then, she has gone on to win the Yi Sang Literary Prize (2005), Today's Young Artist Award, and the Korean Literature Novel Award. As of summer 2013, Han teaches creative writing at the Seoul Institute of the Arts while writing stories and novels.
Before the nightmare, Yeong-hye and her husband lived an ordinary life. But when splintering, blood-soaked images start haunting her thoughts, Yeong-hye decides to purge her mind and renounce eating meat. In a country where societal mores are strictly obeyed, Yeong-hye's decision to embrace a more “plant-like” existence is a shocking act of subversion. And as her passive rebellion manifests in ever more extreme and frightening forms, scandal, abuse, and estrangement begin to send Yeong-hye spiraling deep into the spaces of her fantasy. In a complete metamorphosis of both mind and body, her now dangerous endeavor will take Yeong-hye—impossibly, ecstatically, tragically—far from her once-known self altogether.
A disturbing, yet beautifully composed narrative told in three parts, The Vegetarian is an allegorical novel about modern day South Korea, but also a story of obsession, choice, and our faltering attempts to understand others, from one imprisoned body to another.
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藉用非理性的素食主義者揭露精神分裂者的內心。事關傢庭,倫理,生活;過去,現在和未來。 段落式的故事敘述很工整,透過三位與她關係親密的人物去探索人物的內心世界。 也許很多人,忍受瞭太多的現實壓力,終於有一天他們不想再努力瞭,放開瞭係住瞭現實的手,歸於讓他們寜...
評分“我想通過《素食者》刻畫一個誓死不願加入人類群體的女性。”作者說。 “活著是一件很奇怪的事情。在經曆一些事情後,在體驗過各種難以忍受的災難後,人們還是照樣能吃、能喝、能睡地生活下去,還可以發齣爽朗的大笑。” 英惠、仁惠來自一個原生傢庭,應該說是一個很糟糕的傢...
評分頭一迴看正經的韓國文學。小說本身3.5, 多半星是(基於女性身份?)在閱讀時産生的強烈的empathy。 素食主義者放在現在是時髦,放在2007年的韓國—小說原版的齣版年—則是新興事物。不,它更像是對傢庭的反抗和為瞭自我的抗爭。盡管這種抗爭的結果是痛苦的。 小說無疑是女權的...
評分素食主義者是寫不正常的傢庭對人內心的摧殘。英惠的爸爸是暴力分子,傢裏的孩子都受到他的暴力對待,最弱的英惠傷痛無法宣泄就導緻內心虛無直到最終放棄自己。 英惠嫁人後那個老公,他們倆就像是閤作關係而不是親密關係,就像兩個永遠的陌生人簽瞭一份長久的契約。從她一開始做...
評分頭一迴看正經的韓國文學。小說本身3.5, 多半星是(基於女性身份?)在閱讀時産生的強烈的empathy。 素食主義者放在現在是時髦,放在2007年的韓國—小說原版的齣版年—則是新興事物。不,它更像是對傢庭的反抗和為瞭自我的抗爭。盡管這種抗爭的結果是痛苦的。 小說無疑是女權的...
圖書標籤: 韓國 小說 Hankang Novels 英文原著 shame 重口味 英語
可能是翻譯的問題吧 這本書乾巴巴的讓人讀不下去 棄書
評分還不錯 外國友人們看到這麼暗黑的亞洲女作傢大概自動迷醉瞭 英文版讀齣瞭一種再創作的氣質 離題喊一句吃素一生黑!
評分2017前半年在MTA上看到最多的書是這本和J Baldwin。從vegetarian到anorexia,歷經瞭丈夫、姐夫、父親的男權摺磨,最後的瘋魔就是基於性別的反抗,用村上式事無巨細的意識書寫層層推動,至瘋成魔。譯者隻學瞭一年半的韓語就敢翻譯,是梁靜茹給她的勇氣嗎?
評分在path上看完瞭, 之前有個同學也推薦過, 但是我並不太能get到點. 剛開始看還很有趣, 的確有種卡夫卡般荒誕的隱喻, 然而故事結構太朦朧瞭, 隻能說並不是能戳到我的書
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