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Who says you can't run away from your problems? You are a failed novelist about to turn fifty. A wedding invitation arrives in the mail: your boyfriend of the past nine years is engaged to someone else. You can't say yes--it would be too awkward--and you can't say no--it would look like defeat. On your desk are a series of invitations to half-baked literary events around the world.

QUESTION: How do you arrange to skip town?

ANSWER: You accept them all.

What would possibly go wrong? Arthur Less will almost fall in love in Paris, almost fall to his death in Berlin, barely escape to a Moroccan ski chalet from a Saharan sandstorm, accidentally book himself as the (only) writer-in-residence at a Christian Retreat Center in Southern India, and encounter, on a desert island in the Arabian Sea, the last person on Earth he wants to face. Somewhere in there: he will turn fifty. Through it all, there is his first love. And there is his last.

Because, despite all these mishaps, missteps, misunderstandings and mistakes, Less is, above all, a love story.

A scintillating satire of the American abroad, a rumination on time and the human heart, a bittersweet romance of chances lost, by an author The New York Times has hailed as "inspired, lyrical," "elegiac," "ingenious," as well as "too sappy by half," Less shows a writer at the peak of his talents raising the curtain on our shared human comedy.

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Less pdf epub mobi 讀後感


I really like the tone of this novel. On the one hand, It was told in a direct and detailed way that as a reader, I could depict the scense with flesh in my mind. On the other hand, despite the closeness, all the emotions in the story are still slightly det...


小說很迷人,作傢的生活更迷人,這是我之前說過的。理所當然的,一本寫作傢生活的小說也很有意思。 許多要做的事情來不及做,沒有興趣做,被其他紛繁的事情打擾忘記做,這我之前說過,但現在深有體會,花花世界,迷亂人眼,倒不是說哪件事情更有意義,而是感受到瞭自己的有限而...  


I really like the tone of this novel. On the one hand, It was told in a direct and detailed way that as a reader, I could depict the scense with flesh in my mind. On the other hand, despite the closeness, all the emotions in the story are still slightly det...


I really like the tone of this novel. On the one hand, It was told in a direct and detailed way that as a reader, I could depict the scense with flesh in my mind. On the other hand, despite the closeness, all the emotions in the story are still slightly det...


I really like the tone of this novel. On the one hand, It was told in a direct and detailed way that as a reader, I could depict the scense with flesh in my mind. On the other hand, despite the closeness, all the emotions in the story are still slightly det...

類似圖書 點擊查看全場最低價
出版者:Lee Boudreaux Books
作者:Andrew Sean Greer
價格:USD 26.00

圖書標籤: 普利策  小說  LGBT  Pulitzer  英文原版  英文  黑色幽默  美國   

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基佬版eat pray love. 結尾那句精華從看到書名就期待著齣現瞭,但可能是因為過程太過繁瑣,稍顯無力。


I love this book!




A gay Odyssey. An attribute to Proust. A love story crafted with polyphony narrative. Beautiful language and lovely to read but is it too readable to be a prize winner?


太會比喻瞭,能把我無法描述的感官錶達得淋灕盡緻,每每都想大喊“就是這個感受!”也經常被冷幽默笑齣聲,非常享受。沙漠裏的夜談讓我想念西藏的銀河,想念那時候你帶來的驚喜。Less被鎖在日本年代感的酒店花園迴想起母親和童年突然哭齣來那段,離奇的異域宗教浸入感,離奇得悲傷,”from somewhere high above, I began a plummeting descent”,就是這個感受。

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