Neil deGrasse Tyson is an astrophysicist with the American Museum of Natural History, director of its world-famous Hayden Planetarium, host of the hit radio and TV show StarTalk, and an award-winning author. He lives in New York City.
The essential universe, from our most celebrated and beloved astrophysicist.
What is the nature of space and time? How do we fit within the universe? How does the universe fit within us? There’s no better guide through these mind-expanding questions than acclaimed astrophysicist and best-selling author Neil deGrasse Tyson.
But today, few of us have time to contemplate the cosmos. So Tyson brings the universe down to Earth succinctly and clearly, with sparkling wit, in tasty chapters consumable anytime and anywhere in your busy day.
While you wait for your morning coffee to brew, for the bus, the train, or a plane to arrive, Astrophysics for People in a Hurry will reveal just what you need to be fluent and ready for the next cosmic headlines: from the Big Bang to black holes, from quarks to quantum mechanics, and from the search for planets to the search for life in the universe.
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1975 年 12 月 20 日,紐約下著小雪,很冷。 17 歲的高中生奈爾.德葛拉司.泰森(Neil deGrasse Tyson)跑到康奈爾大學見到瞭他的偶像卡爾.薩根(Carl Sagan)。 當時,卡爾.薩根已經是風靡全美的天文學科普傳播者。他發錶過 600 多篇研究報告,齣版過一本獲得普利策奬的暢銷...
評分 評分地球在太陽係中占據瞭一個絕佳位置,這讓我們深感慶幸。一個行星要想適閤生命存在,就必須得有液態水。這就意味著你的溫度不能太冷也不能太熱,所以你的軌道距離恒星不能太近也不能太遠,而地球正好處在這樣一個軌道上。地球的大小和密度也閤適。如果太大,過高的重力就不允許...
圖書標籤: 天文 科普 天體物理學 物理 英文原版 科學 哲學 世界觀
評分月初聽的,後麵用來做瞭一點聽寫。我也不知道為嘛讀瞭這麼多其實很簡單的科普,大概是每次都會發現一點新鮮玩意兒。比如說貴州的FAST是世界上最棒最大的radio telescope啦,如果有外星人打電話一定是中國人先收到(?)。(1)我一直知道quark來自於芬尼根守靈夜,但不知道一開始科學傢以為quark隻有3種,所以纔用瞭那句“Three quarks for Muster Mark!” (2)關於periodic table裏麵元素名稱的來源,跟astrophysics裏麵一些詞語的詞源是一樣的,而且發現的順序有些也是一樣的,天文和化學這就結閤在一起瞭。例如:“Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto ” 對應Uranium,neptunium, plutonium。當然他們
評分文藝如我確實喜歡"We are stardust brought to life, then empowered by the universe to figure itself out.”但我更喜歡“Einstein was such a badass”,然後說外星人如果聯係地球,中國是最先知道的好好笑。Audio book有驚喜,本人閱讀!
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