“A rare and formidable work. This is a wholly distinctive contribution to multi-species ethnography, of environments made as people tie living materials to one another. It is also a wholly original account of the research process: had Damon not recorded the patchiness of knowledge – locally, regionally -- he would not have understood how people draw things together and keep them moving at the same time. String figures, he was told, untie the mind and keep it supple -- so does this energizing book.” · Marilyn Strathern, University of Cambridge
“This is a hugely important book. It’s publication marks a milestone in anthropological theory – a must read in any course concerned with material culture, science and technology, and human ecology, and a treasure for those interested in maritime cultures.” · Susanne Kuechler, University College London
“This research is a bold undertaking in its intention and in its attention to detail… this book leaves no stone unturned, no leaf unexamined, no canoe fixture unquestioned.” · Shirley Campbell, Australian National University
Trees, Knots and Outriggers (Kaynen Muyuw) is the culmination of twenty-five years of work by Frederick H. Damon and his attention to cultural adaptations to the environment in Melanesia. Damon details the intricacies of indigenous knowledge and practice in his sweeping synthesis of symbolic and structuralist anthropology with recent developments in historical ecology. This book is a long conversation between the author’s many Papua New Guinea informants, teachers and friends, and scientists in Australia, Europe and the United States, in which a spirit of adventure and discovery is palpable.
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圖書標籤: 人類學 環境 民族誌 KulaRing
今天結束戴木德的講座,信息量巨大,欽佩一個在同一個島嶼做瞭近20多年的田野調查的人類學傢,關注樹木、花園、船和星星,引入瞭巨多的事實材料和聯想,佩服其田野細節詳實基礎之上的解釋,以及對於造船技術和數學思維的關注更詮釋瞭所謂的物質文化研究的神奇角度。講座期間,戴木德不斷強調自己想成為一個科學傢的願望,同時讓我想到,如果是中國的學者,應該會更注重希望成為一個哲學傢吧,算是一組很有意思的對比。 同時,對於樹的社會學的關注,讓我不禁為自己的田野和論文汗顔,從他給我的啓發的角度,論文完全是可以推翻重寫的狀態,後悔沒能早點讀到他的書。
評分"environmental knowledge"
評分今天結束戴木德的講座,信息量巨大,欽佩一個在同一個島嶼做瞭近20多年的田野調查的人類學傢,關注樹木、花園、船和星星,引入瞭巨多的事實材料和聯想,佩服其田野細節詳實基礎之上的解釋,以及對於造船技術和數學思維的關注更詮釋瞭所謂的物質文化研究的神奇角度。講座期間,戴木德不斷強調自己想成為一個科學傢的願望,同時讓我想到,如果是中國的學者,應該會更注重希望成為一個哲學傢吧,算是一組很有意思的對比。 同時,對於樹的社會學的關注,讓我不禁為自己的田野和論文汗顔,從他給我的啓發的角度,論文完全是可以推翻重寫的狀態,後悔沒能早點讀到他的書。
評分Ethnography of Trees,關於How trees form a world。樹木的知識(包括習性、種類、材質等),改變村莊和島嶼之間的生態景觀,並産生依存關係,這種依存關係編碼在木製品中,典型的木製品是遠洋航行的船Anageg,在曆史中進一步促成瞭島嶼間的通信,並使庫拉和其他形式的交流(與神跡)成為可能。樹木的種類,樹木的性質,以及它們所提供的tying materials,將社群communities從字麵上和隱喻上,從物質上和知識上捆綁bound在一起。
評分"environmental knowledge"
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