琳達•格林豪斯(1947-),哈佛大學拉德剋利夫學院學士(1968),耶魯法學院碩士(1978)。在《紐約時報》從事過30年聯邦最高法院事務報道(1978-2008),1998年獲普利策奬,是美國最傑齣的法律記者之一。2008年退休後,她在耶魯法學院任教,仍為《紐約時報》撰寫雙周專欄。最新著作是2010年與伊娃•西格爾閤著的Before Roe v. Wade: Voices That Shaped the Abortion Debate Before the Supreme Court’s Ruling。
Supreme Court justice Harry Blackmun's lifelong connection with Chief Justice Warren Burger—beginning in kindergarten in St. Paul, Minn., and culminating in 16 years together on the Supreme Court—supplies Greenhouse with one of her main organizing themes in this illuminating study of Blackmun's life and intellectual history. Once the closest of friends, Blackmun (1908–1999) and Burger diverged personally and ideologically, beginning in 1973, when Burger assigned Blackmun to write the Court's opinion in Roe v. Wade. Greenhouse, the New York Times's veteran Supreme Court watcher, draws primarily on Blackmun's massive personal archive to show how his authorship of the majority opinion in Roe (7–2) propelled him down several unexpected paths. Blackmun embraced equal protection for women and came to reject capital punishment. A Nixon appointee, Blackmun became the Supreme Court's most liberal justice after the retirement of William Brennan and Thurgood Marshall. The personality that emerges in Greenhouse's portrayal is that of a self-effacing and scholarly judge, devoid of partisanship, willing to follow his ideas wherever they led him. Making no pretense at being definitive or comprehensive, Greenhouse sets a high standard in offering an intimate look both at the man and at the development of his judicial thought.
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之所以喜歡令狐衝,喜歡笑傲江湖裏的他,是因為在外界的重重輿論之下,他依然聽從內心的聲音,堅守自己的立場,他雖不是在爭議中成長,卻在爭議中存活。 看這本書的時候,常常覺得心力交瘁,直接秒殺瞭我想當律師的想法,更不用說法官瞭。但也許在IP領域,情況會好很多吧,不...
評分閱讀《大法官是這樣煉成的》,緣於楊葵先生的推薦。做為工科畢業生,曆來對法律類書籍敬而遠之,但這本《大法官是這樣煉成的》,卻讀來饒有趣味,似得感謝作者的妙筆生花。而且對於我等法律門外漢,讀此書,像上瞭一堂普法訓練課,很有收獲。 ≪大法官是這樣煉成的...
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評分之所以喜歡令狐衝,喜歡笑傲江湖裏的他,是因為在外界的重重輿論之下,他依然聽從內心的聲音,堅守自己的立場,他雖不是在爭議中成長,卻在爭議中存活。 看這本書的時候,常常覺得心力交瘁,直接秒殺瞭我想當律師的想法,更不用說法官瞭。但也許在IP領域,情況會好很多吧,不...
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圖書標籤: 法律 Law 美國聯邦最高法院 法律傳記 原版 美國 法學 曆史
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