廷斯萊• E. 亞布洛(Tinsley E. Yarbrough),政治學教授、司法傳記作傢。自1967年於阿拉巴馬大學獲得政治學博士學位後,一直任教於東卡羅萊納大學政治係,現已退休。除本書外,還著有《約翰•馬歇爾•哈倫》、《種族與選區重劃》、《司法之謎:哈倫大法官一世》、《倫奎斯特法院與憲法》、《哈裏•A•布萊剋門:局外人大法官》等作品。
When the first President Bush chose David Hackett Souter for the Supreme Court in 1990, the slender New Englander with the shy demeanor and ambiguous past was quickly dubbed a "stealth candidate". Determined to avoid a repeat of the firestorm surrounding President Reagan's nomination of the controversial Robert Bork, Bush opted for Souter, who had, remarkably, produced only one law review article in his legal career. Souter, an obscure but well-respected New Hampshire conservative, seemed unlikely to arouse the kind of passionate opposition that defined the Bork confirmation process. And, indeed, Souter was accepted onto the Court with little fuss. Today, fifteen years into his tenure, Souter remains as enigmatic and unpredictable as ever, a mystery even to avid Court watchers. Who is David Hackett Souter and what will be his legacy on the Supreme Court? Sifting through Souter's opinions, papers of the Justice's contemporaries and other relevant records and interviews, esteemed Supreme Court biographer Tinsley Yarbrough here gives us the real David Souter, crafting a fascinating account of one of the heretofore most elusive Justices in the history of the Court. Though Souter's record on legal issues was generally conservative before his arrival on the Court, his mixed views caused some concern among both the left and the right during the appointment process. His reclusive lifestyle and frugality added to his mystique, making him even more difficult to peg. His penchant for solitude and his seemingly narrow circle of close friends convinced some that the middle-aged bachelor was out of touch with the sort of "real world" problems the nation's highest court regularly confronts. Court watchers soon realized--to their delight or dismay--that President Bush's "stealth" justice was a traditional New England Republican deeply tied to the party's historic roots in the union and civil rights--in stark contrast to most Reagan-Bush I appointees. On the bench, Souter has embraced a flexible, evolving, and highly pragmatic judicial style that embraces a high regard for precedent--even liberal decisions of the Warren and Burger Courts with which he may have personally disagreed. Even more significantly, Souter has become a regular and very effective critic of the set of rulings via which his ostensible political brethren--Chief Justice William Rehnquist, Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas--have abandoned precedent to assert their conservative vision. Ultimately, Yarbrough contends, Souter has become the principal Rehnquist Court opponent of the originalist, text-bound jurisprudence that many of the more conservative Justices profess to champion.
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這本書一齣來就想買瞭,一開始亞馬遜沒有。 昨天查瞭下,有瞭,今早送到。 中午讀瞭兩章,感嘆有幾個: 1.因為牛X所以能上名校,而不是上瞭名校就牛X。 2.美帝似乎哪個領域都能隨手撈一些風華絕代的人物,難怪人們都對那塊土地心嚮往之。 3.蘇特是一名虔誠的清教徒,證實...
評分 評分正在閱讀的過程之中,之前除瞭看BL影視劇,以及通過視頻接觸過布雷耶大法官在清華的演講之外,對美國最高法院及法官並無多少瞭解,更不要說傳紀瞭。“隱士”一書算是最近距離的瞭解這一切。 也許是與當下的對照,書中所提及的大多數事例,都讓人有種在深夜血脈噴張的感覺,法...
評分正在閱讀的過程之中,之前除瞭看BL影視劇,以及通過視頻接觸過布雷耶大法官在清華的演講之外,對美國最高法院及法官並無多少瞭解,更不要說傳紀瞭。“隱士”一書算是最近距離的瞭解這一切。 也許是與當下的對照,書中所提及的大多數事例,都讓人有種在深夜血脈噴張的感覺,法...
評分這本書一齣來就想買瞭,一開始亞馬遜沒有。 昨天查瞭下,有瞭,今早送到。 中午讀瞭兩章,感嘆有幾個: 1.因為牛X所以能上名校,而不是上瞭名校就牛X。 2.美帝似乎哪個領域都能隨手撈一些風華絕代的人物,難怪人們都對那塊土地心嚮往之。 3.蘇特是一名虔誠的清教徒,證實...
圖書標籤: 傳記 法律 Souter 最高法院 美國 法律傳記 留意 法學
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