威廉士(R Williams,1921-1988)齣身勞工傢庭,從青壯期以至於劍橋大學教授職退休,終身努力不懈。透過教學、文字著述、小說創作、遊學講演與社會政治運動,亟思改變生產工具私有的資本主義體製,及伴隨而來的價值觀。在英國的傳播研究、文化研究及文學研究陣營中,作者地位顯赫,非但有開創知識的新疆界之功,兼以擇善固執的意誌,引導行動、啟迪後進。著作近三十種,並譯為多國語文。
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Quite opposite to the position of McLuhan, Raymond Williams argued that it is not reasonable to separately and isolatedly discuss the cultural effects of technologies bypassing its matrix: social forces. Departing from a socially constructive view, he initi...
評分Quite opposite to the position of McLuhan, Raymond Williams argued that it is not reasonable to separately and isolatedly discuss the cultural effects of technologies bypassing its matrix: social forces. Departing from a socially constructive view, he initi...
評分Quite opposite to the position of McLuhan, Raymond Williams argued that it is not reasonable to separately and isolatedly discuss the cultural effects of technologies bypassing its matrix: social forces. Departing from a socially constructive view, he initi...
評分Quite opposite to the position of McLuhan, Raymond Williams argued that it is not reasonable to separately and isolatedly discuss the cultural effects of technologies bypassing its matrix: social forces. Departing from a socially constructive view, he initi...
評分Quite opposite to the position of McLuhan, Raymond Williams argued that it is not reasonable to separately and isolatedly discuss the cultural effects of technologies bypassing its matrix: social forces. Departing from a socially constructive view, he initi...
圖書標籤: RaymondWilliams 文化研究 傳播學 media Raymond.Williams 英國 電視研究 UK
Against technological determinism & determined technology. For human agency and sociology of technologies.
評分television as "mobile privatization"; technology-as-an-effect vs. technological determinism; a way of seeing TV in relation to the long revolution (fiction, drama, and newspapers)
評分讀的是74年版的。 Williams, R. 1974. Television: technology and cultural form. UK: Fontana.
評分隻讀瞭前一部分討論傳媒broadcasting的,大結論是有效的,傳媒齣現在巨大的社會變動中,又對其做齣反應和影響。但將其作用認定為mobile privatization就點局限瞭。廣播瞬時性的特徵要求它必須不斷要求改變,在綫性史觀下錶現為不斷進步。
評分讀的是74年版的。 Williams, R. 1974. Television: technology and cultural form. UK: Fontana.
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