芭芭拉.史坦妮(Barbara Stanny)
芭芭拉是諮商心理學的碩士,也是記者與職業諮商師,在「早安美國」、國家公共電台(NPR)、「歐萊利的事實」(The O'Reilly Factor)、《紐約時報》和《今日美國》等媒體都曾發表文章及作品。後來又對投資理財深入研究,經驗豐富。她的學經歷背景使得她對女性的財務問題有獨到的見解。她追求財務自主的過程非常有啟發性,是因一場嚴重的財務危機使她驚覺必須自己學習理財。她訪問了來自不同背景、擅於理財的女性,她不僅找出這些女性之所以賺大錢的秘訣,同時也發現一些共同的理念。這些不僅改變了她的生活,也成為本書的核心。
芭芭拉的著作包括《樂在工作的秘訣(How to Be Happily Employed)》、《億萬女富豪賺錢智慧(Secrets of Six-Figure Women)》等暢銷書。目前與家人住在華盛頓州。
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Now updated—the classic guide that teaches women how to take control of their own finances
When this groundbreaking yet compassionate book was first published ten years ago, it lifted a veil on women’s resistance to managing their money, revealing that many were still waiting for a prince to rescue them financially. In this revised edition, which reflects our present-day economic world, Barbara Stanny inspires readers to take charge of their money and their lives. Filled with real-life success stories and practical advice—from tips on identifying the factors that keep women fearful and dependent to checklists and steps for overcoming them—this book is the next best thing to having one’s own financial coach.
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