GEORGE GILDER, one of the leading economic and technological thinkers of the past forty years, is the author of nineteen books, including Wealth and Poverty, Life after Television, Knowledge and Power, and The Scandal of Money. A founding fellow of the Discovery Institute, where he began his study of information theory, and an influential venture investor, he lives with his wife in western Massachusetts.
The Age of Google, built on big data and machine intelligence, has been an awesome era. But it’s coming to an end. In Life after Google, George Gilder—the peerless visionary of technology and culture—explains why Silicon Valley is suffering a nervous breakdown and what to expect as the post-Google age dawns.
Google’s astonishing ability to “search and sort” attracts the entire world to its search engine and countless other goodies—videos, maps, email, calendars….And everything it offers is free, or so it seems. Instead of paying directly, users submit to advertising. The system of “aggregate and advertise” works—for a while—if you control an empire of data centers, but a market without prices strangles entrepreneurship and turns the Internet into a wasteland of ads.
The crisis is not just economic. Even as advances in artificial intelligence induce delusions of omnipotence and transcendence, Silicon Valley has pretty much given up on security. The Internet firewalls supposedly protecting all those passwords and personal information have proved hopelessly permeable.
The crisis cannot be solved within the current computer and network architecture. The future lies with the “cryptocosm”—the new architecture of the blockchain and its derivatives. Enabling cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin and ether, NEO and Hashgraph, it will provide the Internet a secure global payments system, ending the aggregate-and-advertise Age of Google.
Silicon Valley, long dominated by a few giants, faces a “great unbundling,” which will disperse computer power and commerce and transform the economy and the Internet.
Life after Google is almost here.
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評分大數據(big data),指無法在一定時間範圍內用常規軟件工具進行捕捉、管理和處理的數據集閤,是需要新處理模式纔能具有更強的決策力、洞察發現力和流程優化能力的海量、高增長率和多樣化的信息資産。來自某度百科。 大數據在以前沒什麼人在意,也沒有發現它的價值,近幾年纔被...
評分朋友問我讀沒讀過,沒有;於是老老實實買瞭一本來看; 英文原版沒找到,雖然這本書明顯像是有道的AI機器人翻譯的,但我還是體諒的說,實在是辛苦譯者瞭; blockchain這個技術雖然已經誕生十年,但是還是一個小眾技術,很多術語其實還沒有公認的譯法,比如Hashgraph,還有像什麼...
評分2018年10月10日,2018年的鬍潤百富榜揭榜。此次的百富榜首次現身瞭14位區塊鏈相關領域的創始人,這其中,還有一位還是年僅26歲的九零後!2018年區塊鏈成為瞭過去一年錶現最好的行業,甚至《鬍潤百富》創始人鬍潤都錶示:2018年是我們榜單的區塊鏈元年! 所以想要瞭解這一未來大...
評分不知道是譯者還是作者的緣故,這真是一部極其難以讀下去的書。 整個文章敘述邏輯不清,難以找到論點,論據支撐的也不好。但是還是有很多不錯的觀點。我就分章節做個摘錄。 第一章 勿竊此書 核心觀點:改變世界的人工智能巨頭實際上隻是工業版圖的末端而已。當前秩序係在安全、...
圖書標籤: 科技 曆史 區塊鏈 榖歌 英文 科普 2018 計算機
評分雖不贊同 但不得不承認這是背景與邏輯都legit的反對派~
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