Judith Wright, EdD, is a world-class couples and lifestyles coach, media favorite, inspirational speaker, lifestyles expert, and corporate consultant. She is the award-winning author of Transformed! and best-selling author of There Must Be More Than This and The Soft Addiction Solution,. Wright has appeared on ABC's 20/20, Oprah, Good Morning America, and Today; and in over 600 print and radio interviews, including the New York Daily News, Chicago Tribune, Boston Herald, and San Francisco Chronicle. Wright is founder of the dynamic and innovative Wright Couples Program, and professor of transformational coaching and co-founder of the Wright Graduate University for the Realization of Human Potential.
The Heart of the Fight 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
文/方非 图/unsplash 研究表明,一个人小时候看过的童话,极大程度地影响着他成年之后的爱情观。 《灰姑娘》《睡美人》《白雪公主》《美女与野兽》等一系列童话都有一个共同点,那就是男女主角相爱之后,从此过上了幸福的生活。我们常常会以此为幸福模板去挑选伴侣,期盼自己能...
评分 评分 评分一说到人世间最理想的婚姻,我们大都会想到杨绛和钱钟书。即便是这样的理想婚姻,二人也有吵架的时候。一次,在出国的轮船上,钱钟书和杨绛因为一个法文“Bon”的读音吵了起来。杨绛说,钱钟书的口音带着浓浓的乡音,太难听。钱钟书说杨绛的发音不标准。两个人争执不下,就开始...
评分你还是上班或者加班去吧,免得咱们老吵架 终于,在放假在家的第三天,老婆已经忍受不了天天在家的无聊,既然地板已经拖过四边,窗户开了又关,连草莓籽儿都已经剔除干净,剩下的时间,也就是横竖看着对面葛优躺的我不顺眼。 而我,一边在微信群里煽风点火的围观别人吵架,一边...
图书标签: 人际关系 情绪管理 生活方式 吵架 个人管理 Love 英文原版 2019
In the midst of a disagreement, many couples ask themselves, "What are we really fighting about?" Sound familiar? As it turns out, breakups and divorce don't happen because couples fight, they happen because of how couples fight. In this much-needed book, Judith and Bob Wright-two married counselors and coaches with over thirty years of experience helping couples learn how to fight well-present their tried-and-true methods for exploring the emotions that underlie many relationship fights.
In this unique guide, you'll learn how to use disagreements as an opportunity to deepen your understanding of your partner, bring more intimacy to the relationship, strengthen your bond, and really learn from the conflicts and tensions that occur between you. You'll also learn how to navigate the fifteen most common fights couples have, including"the blame game," "dueling over dollars," "If you really loved me, you'd...," "told-you-so's," and more.
If you're ready to start fighting for your love, rather than against it, this book will show you how.
Love is not about “live happily ever after”. Love is about “live deeply ever after”.
The Heart of the Fight 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书