The morning hours before the hustle and bustle of the day commences is the perfect time to pause and enjoy a sense ofrenewal and vitality. On the morning of December 7, 2006, Maria Alexandra Vettese and Stephanie Congdon Barnes eachtook a digital photo of everyday objects randomly arranged on their kitchen tables and, unbeknownst to one another, uploaded them to the website Flickr. Noticing a remarkable similarity between their images, they agreed to documenttheir mornings by posting one photo to a shared blog every weekday for a year. Their site, 3191 (http: // after the distance in miles between their homes in Portland, Maine, and Portland, Oregonquickly acquired a worldwide following of devotees fascinated by the magical coincidences and pictorial synchronicity of their photographic pairings.
A Year of Mornings collects 236 imagesalways taken before 10 am without discussion between the two womenfrom this uniquely 21st-century artistic collaboration. The intimacy of these photographsdiscarded clothing, a view of a snowy day from the window, a tableclothcombined with their striking similarities in color and composition defies the reality of their long-distance collaboration. While clearly kindred spirits, the two women have met in person only once. Their friendship is maintained solely online, sustained by a shared love for moments of serenity, solitude, and peacefulness. The annotated photographs in A Year of Mornings radiate an aura of sweetness and lightthe promise of a new day.
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不如直接看他們的網站咯,圖片質量比這個好。書本的話無非是多瞭很多絮絮叨叨,可以看到兩個攝影師的一些生活細節和創作思路。最近不是有(雙城記——北京/悉尼)和這個項目算是異麯同工吧。 圖片樣本
評分不如直接看他們的網站咯,圖片質量比這個好。書本的話無非是多瞭很多絮絮叨叨,可以看到兩個攝影師的一些生活細節和創作思路。最近不是有(雙城記——北京/悉尼)和這個項目算是異麯同工吧。 圖片樣本
評分在書店裏看瞭這本書,立即被裏麵的攝影風格吸引瞭。寜靜溫暖,像純棉的布貼在身上的感覺。有些像日式攝影。 每一張都是一個新的早上,光綫或明或暗,主題關於早餐和貓的相片占瞭大多數。從裏麵可以窺視到攝影者的生活習慣與片段。兩個應該都是深愛自然與簡單的country style生...
評分不如直接看他們的網站咯,圖片質量比這個好。書本的話無非是多瞭很多絮絮叨叨,可以看到兩個攝影師的一些生活細節和創作思路。最近不是有(雙城記——北京/悉尼)和這個項目算是異麯同工吧。 圖片樣本
評分在書店裏看瞭這本書,立即被裏麵的攝影風格吸引瞭。寜靜溫暖,像純棉的布貼在身上的感覺。有些像日式攝影。 每一張都是一個新的早上,光綫或明或暗,主題關於早餐和貓的相片占瞭大多數。從裏麵可以窺視到攝影者的生活習慣與片段。兩個應該都是深愛自然與簡單的country style生...
圖書標籤: 攝影 Photography 英文原版 生活 ❤ 獨立書店 3191 原版書
溫暖的小細節@Tokyo book&bed
評分Early morning hours, before the hustle and bustle of the day commences, are the perfect time to pause and enjoy a sense of renewal and vitality.
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