1876年出生在牛津郡,英国著名小说家、诗人,她的作品以《雀起乡到烛镇》最为闻名,她自幼生活在乡村,对于那里的生活也十分眷恋。这部小说事实上也是作者根据自己1880-1890年,少年时期在牛津郡的生活回忆而著的一部半自传体作品。原著本是三个独立的作品:《雀起乡》 (1939),《烛镇》 (1941),《烛镇绿里》 (1943),直到1945年才被合并为三部曲集出版。
Lark Rise to Candleford 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书
本文原址: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_7e1871870101gk5g.html By 本書中譯本譯者:蔡安洁 《雀起》终于出版了,这是我译的第一本书。 去年八月底交稿,第二天我就离开了牛津,译完最后一个段落,心里空荡荡的。翻译的过程就像是和牛津说再见的过程,因为情深,所以要...
评分By 亂 2012年,倫敦奧運會開幕式上,在現代化的體育場中央,竟然出現了炊煙裊裊的農家小屋、潺潺流過的清澈小溪、吱吱作響的老水車,人們在田間勞作、遊戲比賽、郊外野餐,甚至還有馬、牛、羊的“動物表演秀”……這一切都讓看慣了大場面的中國觀眾大跌眼鏡。當然,讓英國人懷...
评分在很多人的心底里面,应该都有一个雀起乡,曾经温柔的单纯的曾经的自己,就住在那里,不悲不喜,珍藏着属于自己的过往。。。 聪慧而勤劳的姑娘劳拉,在雀起乡长大,那里是一个充满诗情画意的贫瘠小城,在记忆的笔下,那里的每一盏丁香花都绽放出静静的芬芳。...
图书标签: 英国 小说 乡村 literature 维多利亚时代白领 田园 平凡生活 专业课
Flora Thompson's immortal trilogy, containing "Lark Rise, Over To Candleford" and "Candleford Green", is a heartwarming portrayal of country life at the close of the 19th century. This story of three closely related Oxfordshire communities - a hamlet, the nearby village and a small market town - is based on the author's experiences during childhood and youth. It chronicles May Day celebrations and forgotten children's games, the daily lives of farmworkers and craftsmen, friends and relations - all painted with a gaiety and freshness of observation that make this trilogy an evocative and sensitive memorial to Victorian rural England.
It reappears Victorian rural landscape! Very enjoyable reading! I am attracted by the TV series as well as this book. P.S. Have linked it to Ecocriticism in order to do a short literary comparative study for Prof. Berman's term paper =)
评分It reappears Victorian rural landscape! Very enjoyable reading! I am attracted by the TV series as well as this book. P.S. Have linked it to Ecocriticism in order to do a short literary comparative study for Prof. Berman's term paper =)
Lark Rise to Candleford 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书