The author takes us on a seductive journey through his childhood and adolescence in Israel, along Jerusalem's war-torn streets in the 1940s and 50s, into his Russian immigrant parents' infernal marriage. Caught in the middle is one small boy with the weight of generations on his shoulders. And at the tragic heart of the story is the suicide of his mother, when Amos was twelve.
A Tale Of Love And Darkness 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书
Amos Oz--让文学跨越传统与现代 "我曾经无数次地来到中国,不过那是在梦里.现在我真的来了,请别问我现实的中国和我梦里的有什么不同,因为我觉得自己还在梦中."一位68岁的老人在自己07年8月26日开始的为期两周的访华旅程中这样说道.他就是我近日突然爱上的以色列作...
评分“没有人, ”母亲说, “没有人能了解别人的事情,甚至连近旁的邻居也不了解,甚至连你的伴侣也不了解。也不了解你的父母和孩子 。一点也不了解。甚至连自己都不了解。什么都不了解。要是我们有时有那么一刻想象自己了解些什么,这种情形甚至更为糟糕 ,因为在浑然不觉中生活...
评分我是耶路撒冷的一块石头 文 / varro 这个世界上,有哪个民族像犹太人那样,经历了两千年的流散,面对整个世界的迫害,在浓的化不开的血泪中孑然前行?有哪个民族,像犹太民族那样孕育了数不清的哲人,比如斯宾诺莎、马克思、韦伯,他们流淌着犹太人的血液,却用一辈子的...
图书标签: 犹太 英文原版 爱与黑暗的故事 传记 Amos 小说 Oz 外国文学
Love and darkness are just two of the powerful forces that run through Amos Oz's extraordinary, moving story. He takes us on a seductive journey through his childhood and adolescence, along Jerusalem's war-torn streets in the 1940s and '50s, and into the infernal marriage of two kind, well-meaning people: his fussy, logical father, and his dreamy, romantic mother. Caught between them is one small boy with the weight of generations on his shoulders. And at the tragic heart of the story is the suicide of his mother, when Amos was twelve-and-a-half years old. Oz's story dives into 120 year of family history and paradox, the saga of a Jewish love-hate affair with Europe that sweeps from Vilna and Odessa, via Poland and Prague, to Israel. Farce and heartbreak, history and humanity make up this magical portrait of the artist who saw the birth of a nation, and came through its turbulent life as well as his own. This is a memoir like no other, and one that cries out to be read and wept over. (20041021)
藏書閣打卡| 說是回憶錄,後來看中文版序言,奧茲說這不是回憶錄,而是故事,應該是類似非虛構寫作吧。最打動我的是關於耶路撒冷童年生活的描寫,那些細節彷彿是折疊後真空保存在時光裡,待到作者筆尖觸及時從容不迫地鋪展開來,期望伴隨著絕望,溫暖而又悽苦,歸屬感與迷茫感交錯,充滿了矛盾。奧茲的父母都會十多種語言,但只教他希伯來語,擔心他被歐洲文化吸引,不願留在耶路撒冷,但父母的內心卻嚮往西方文明;又如父親小時候看到奧茲按照高矮排列書本勃然大怒,教會了小奧茲關於書本索引的宇宙終極奧秘,自己卻無法靠學識為家庭換得一份更體面的生活,一個猶太復國主義家庭堅定而又脆弱的信念,在細小的矛盾中折射,令我著迷。讀完了書,聽到了作者離世的消息,他的旅程終於結束,無論曾經多麼熱切的理想,多麼深重的失望,最終塵歸塵,土歸土。
评分It's not exactly about the Jewish people but about how families, friends and the part of the Jewish world that he grew up in have made Oz who he is, a sensitive man with a kind and generous heart full of compassion for the human kind because of the love and darkness he went through in his child life. The writing itself is strikingly beautiful too.
评分《爱与黑暗的故事》终于读完了,很庆幸自己没有中途放弃。此书其实是Amos Oz的回忆录,前半部写家族史,父母亲两个犹太家族的历史,甚至追溯到祖上六代之前,时间跨度近两百年,而且还延伸开去,讲了父母亲儿时的同学朋友以及邻居们的各种故事,所以说不仅是家族史,更是犹太人的民族史; 下半部讲以色列建国前后的家事和历史,以作者十二岁时母亲因长期精神压抑而自杀结束。此书以极其私人视角来讲述犹太人民族史和以色列建国史,具有极高的历史和文学价值,可读性也很强。强烈推荐!
A Tale Of Love And Darkness 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书