AFTER DARK 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
其实对于a.d这本书已不象过去那样仔细, 毕竟村上先生也没有刻意的让读者在独特的文字里面 反而是区别其他的电影手法和似曾相识的情节让人 即使没有看署名也知道这是先生的文字 一切情节只不过限定在午夜, 当太阳升起,一切又回到表面 读它我劝各位在午夜夜深时非常有feel 这...
评分I'm a bit disappointed by Murakami's new book. It's a bit watery to me and felt only half of the story was finished...I couldn't get into it as well as The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle.
评分After finished reading After Dark, I can say that I have read all Murakami's novels, two in English, others in Chinese. Translation novels are easier to read with less unfamiliar words than original English novel. For this reason, the process of reading the...
评分看的第一部村上春树小说,不知是德文译者的问题还是原作本身就是如此,感觉作者文笔粗陋,意境局促,功力不足。 整部小说唯有最后,当男女主角在车站分别后,全景式白描的写法才慢慢显示出些许气魄,但为时已晚。 整部小说的意味,其实就在这一句: Die Doppelexistenz schei...
评分结局让我觉得很不过瘾,期待的action都没有出来,好像作者只写了一个故事的三分之一出来。剩下的都自己吞回肚子里,没有吐出来。 作者扮演的角色是镜头,所以叙述也像是拍电影一样经常变化场景,按时间分段(很有些《24小时》的味道),镜头忽远忽近。故事的主线是Mari和Taka...
图书标签: 村上春树 日本文学 天黑以后 小说 英文原版 日本 文学 外国文学
"After Dark" is a short, sleek novel that features various encounters set in the witching hours of Tokyo between midnight and dawn, and is every bit as gripping as Murakami's masterworks "The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle" and "Kafka on the Shore."
可爱的文艺小萝莉 - - ...
AFTER DARK 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书