J. K. 羅琳(J. K. Rowling, 1965- ),英國女作傢,自小喜歡寫作,當過短時間的教師和秘書。二十四歲那年,她在前往倫敦的火車旅途中萌生瞭創作“哈利·波特”係列小說的念頭。七年後,《哈利·波特與魔法石》問世,之後她陸續創作瞭《哈利·波特與密室》《哈利·波特與阿茲卡班囚徒》《哈利·波特與火焰杯》《哈利-波特與鳳凰社》《哈利·波特與“混血王子”》和《哈利·波特與死亡聖器》,完成瞭該係列的創作,在全球颳起一股股“哈利·波特”颶風,在世界範圍內掀起規模宏大的“哈利·波特”閱讀狂潮。另外,在此期間,她還因為慈善事業而先後完成瞭《神奇動物在哪裏》和《神奇的魁地奇球》這兩部與“哈利·波特”係列相關的圖書,最新完成的作品是《詩翁彼豆故事集》。
The Tales of Beedle the Bard is also a plot device in the seventh novel of the Harry Potter series, Deathly Hallows, in which it is bequeathed to Hermione Granger by Albus Dumbledore. The book is described as a popular collection of Wizarding children's fairy tales, thus while Ron Weasley is familiar with the stories, Harry Potter and Hermione Granger had not previously heard them due to their non-magical upbringing.
The edition Hermione received in chapter seven in Dumbledore's will is a copy of the original edition of fictional books in the novel. It is described as an ancient-looking small book with its binding "stained and peeling in places". In the novel it is also said the book has a title on its cover, written in embossed runic symbols.
The book acts as the vehicle for introducing the Deathly Hallows. Above the story The Tale of the Three Brothers, Hermione Granger finds a strange symbol which later is revealed by Xenophilius Lovegood to be the symbol of the Hallows. The triangle from the symbol represents the Invisibility Cloak, the circle inside the triangle symbolizes the Resurrection Stone, and the vertical line represents the Elder Wand.
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其實我還沒有看到這本書,我隻是剛剛點擊瞭當當的訂單提交,然後過來看大傢的評論,想到幾天後那個到貨電話就忍不住開心得想笑。 那是02年,我投奔瞭文科班,開始看harry,開始看球,那個時候不誇張地說,我就算失憶瞭也還可以記得哈利和大羅名字的拼寫。 那個時候會先去看harr...
評分文/硃九淵 J.K.羅琳的新書讀完瞭,第一時間寫在這裏討論討論。 第一,關於書名的中譯問題。書的原名是《The Tales of Beedle the Bard》(UK Standard Edition)據我瞭解,網上已經齣現瞭幾種版本,最通行的是《遊唱詩人比多故事集》,其次為《吟遊詩人比多故事集》,人民文...
評分 評分鄧布利多的弟弟喜歡山羊的故事,並且他也曾因為山羊被起訴。 在《三兄弟》故事後麵,鄧布利多重復瞭那個山羊的故事很多次。 我想,羅玲很可能再寫一本,因為故事裏的故事還沒有說完。 這幾個故事裏,很不巧地我喜歡《毛心髒》,雖然這個故事有點惡心,但是我考慮的是——是身體...
評分第1個故事:巫師和跳跳鍋 有鄧布利多教授的解讀在,我們不用多費心思就可以掌握故事背後的寓意。 一對巫師父子,兒子厭惡麻瓜,為瞭讓兒子對麻瓜的態度改變,老巫師臨死前給坩堝施瞭個魔法,如果兒子不斷拒絕彆人的要求而不提供幫助,坩堝就會長齣一隻腳變成跳跳鍋,終日待在兒...
圖書標籤: J.K.Rowling HarryPotter 英國 童話 哈利波特 J.K.羅琳 魔幻 原版
評分7 years later, i'm again reading Potter.
評分其實感覺美版的更精緻 不過圓滿瞭 最近收瞭很多hp的書 荷包空空瞭
評分羅琳女士好善心。One must be quite familiar with HP contexts in order to enjoy this book, otherwise everything just comes off as quirky at best.
評分"The three witches and the knight set off down the hill together, arm in arm, and all four led long and happy lives, and none of them ever knew or suspected that the Fountain's waters carried no enchantment at all." —— "The Tales Of Beedle the Bard" by JK Rowling. 「love this amazing, tiny book so much.
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